View Full Version : Replaced our totaled 06 with a new 07 classic

12-29-2006, 19:46
Our insurance company told me I could go ahead and replace our t-boned 06 truck that was hit by someone that ran a stop sign at 60+ mph . with another truck and to go ahead and buy it. And they would settle up next week. We had reached an agreement that I would replace with exact same truck, but I couldn't find any 06's with exact same options or colors. There was one with the 310 HP D/Max, I didn't want that. I found an 07 that was identical to our 06. It cost me just under a thousand dollars more than I paid for our 06. I am still fighting with the insuance companies now they are trying to change their story about replacement cost minus 20 cents a mile for my 5,300 miles. I just found out from the investigator and the collision adjuster that based on the damage to our truck and the damage to the truck that hit us, that the other truck was estimated to be going 60+ mph.at the time of impact. Origianally they estimated about 50 mph. It hit us in the passenger side rear door. It has been an emotional and traumatizing experience. And now fighting with the Ins companies makes it almost unbearable. At least we are alive, the 83 year old lady that hit us is in extremely critical condition and isn't showing any sign of improvement. Keep her in your prayers. We wish we could turn back time and none of this ever happened. If we hadn't been in the dually we probably wouldn't be here.

12-30-2006, 14:16
God Bless that you and your wife are ok and will recover. The truck is a truck and money is money - lives and loves are what matter.

Prayers to the woman that hit you. If people would just slow down, think more, concentrate on the task at hand (driving) more, and be more aware of others around them these sorts of things wouldn't happen nearly as frequently. I found myself looking at some of these "big truck" and train air horns on the net recently with the thought of being able to "wake up" some of these drivers around me when needed...

Two things on the insurance companies. First would be to tell them that you feel it is time that you got your lawyer involved because you have more important things to deal with. Second would be to tell them you have to get to the doctor because you and your wife have been noticing more aches and pains.

Protracted medical costs usually get them wanting to settle fast. And I recently was getting the run-around on getting my pension money out of a place I used to work. I finally called them up and explained that I needed specific details on where everything stood so that I could turn the information over to my lawyer to let him handle things. Amazingly, I had my check in two days.

12-30-2006, 17:04
60mph side impact , wow......lucky to walk away.....glad u and the wife are ok....

insurance cos are tuff to deal with, but a lose of 20cents a mile isnt too bad even with so called replacement cost......could be worse....

like previous post said, aches and pains will help them settle faster...unless your in new jersey, the tort threshold options are really putting the crimps on injury lawsuits...in nj ya gotta layout about extra 300 bucks per year per car to retain right to sue....

12-30-2006, 20:09
Thanks everyone, We aren't totaly Ok but we are surviving. I think we are worse today than we have been. I hurt so bad this evening I was thinking of going to the E.R. but I took some more Naprosin and will try and lay down later. It feels like I have pleurisy all the way around my chest. My seat belt was stretched out and didn't retract after the accident. My wife was knocked unconcious at the impact and it knocked her pierced earings out of her ear.
The other driver, poor lady is not improving, but she is just hanging on.
She still needs our prayers. I'll keep you all updated on everything.
Thanks for Everything I'll keep you posted.
PS the difference in my 2006 sticker price and the 2007 sticker price is only a $326.00 increase on the 07. Exact same everything on stickers. The only thing different is the amount and the Vin #s and 2006 & 2007. In other words they could have just re typed those three things on the new one.