View Full Version : Home made boost controller

03-16-2007, 15:13
A few years ago I think there was a write up on making your own boost controller by installing a rehostat in one of the lines from the sensor to the controller or something like that and potting it with an exposed screw to adjust boost. I've done several searches but have not found the write up. Does anyone remember this or how it was done?

03-16-2007, 22:39
A Rat Shack potentiometer (sp?) between the two leads from presure sensor. Has 3 legs, find the two that vary with adjusting screw. At about 9ohms you should see 10/12 lbs boost. I traced wires to ECM so the splice and potentiometer were inside and out of the way of moisture.

Slim shady
03-17-2007, 07:35
I have just the item you are talking about. The Honda guys use one that is adjustable.

I will see if I can draw up the wiring schematic for it. It is very simple and only requires two wires inside the cab by the ecm and the control unit goes in the glove box.

Slim shady
03-19-2007, 08:46
I couldn't find the original web site I used to construct my boost controller. Since it wasn't my idea, I like to give credit where credit is due.

Check this site out it is very similar to my boost controller. I actually did this to the output signal to my ECM, not the 5v reference signal.


More Power
03-19-2007, 09:15
This is the image that appeared here in TDP as part of a tech page in March 2000 that illustrated how to produce a variable boost pressure controller for the EFI 6.5.

