View Full Version : Worse MPG in cold weather?

01-15-2004, 16:05
This is the first diesel I've owned and have now had it for about 5 months. I normally get 15MPG around town with short highway driving mixed in. However, over the past 2 months here in eastern PA, my mileage has dropped to about 12.5 MPG. Is this a normal occurence in colder weather? I do not recall seeing this difference with a gas engine. Thanks!

[ 01-15-2004, 03:32 PM: Message edited by: Dennis Galligani ]

01-15-2004, 16:13
it seems normal that you get less mpg on the #1 winter fuel than on the summer fuel another reason is that when you have your windshield defroster on the air conditioner is operating this puts a load on the engine

01-15-2004, 16:25
I have heard that it is caused by the engine running cold and will help to cover the radiator.
I havn't tried it yet though.

Dvldog 8793
01-15-2004, 18:46
sounds like the same amount ofloss that I have. i think it's due to the fuel (#1 vs #2), a denser fuel charge in the engine, and engines are not as efficient as they should be when cold. Also if you are running regular lube in your rear axle it can REALLY be a drag on your drive line. I've had a rear axle apart in -20f and the "oil" was pretty much solidified. I use synthetic for every fluid in my truck. Depending on your operation temp range, most vehicles are not made to use extensivly in some of the coldest weather. I've seen -35 in back yard and -53 in Greenland. NOTHING (including US MARINES) likes to work properly in those extreams
Hope this helps!

01-15-2004, 19:41
I'd vote for the Winter fuel blend on slight mileage drop also. Don't overlook tire pressure. In cold weather the pressure will drop.

01-15-2004, 20:24
Ditto on the winter fuel vs summer fuel; the fuel distributors add stuff to the mix to stop it from turning to jelly and it affects the efficiency. I'm about at 15 mpg versus 17 for the summer. Another part of it might be the extra time it gets left idling in the winter time too. It's nice to bring a hot cuppa coco to a warm truck in the morning...

Barry Nave
01-16-2004, 01:29
#1 fuel has less BTU then # 2 fuel.