View Full Version : Local dealer promoting chips and upgrades in radio ad!!

06-23-2007, 09:15
Driving home last nite, I was amazed at a radio commercial for Swift Dodge in Sacramento. The ad claims they have about 100 of the 5.9 Cummins left that can be "modified with chips, intakes, exhausts and performance parts for awesome power". Has anyone ever heard of another dealer publicly making claims about modifying a truck whether it was a ford, chevy or dodge? No mention was made of voided warranties, etc. I would think if you made a copy of this ad, bought a truck from them and then chipped it to destruction, would the dealer have to warranty it. I wonder if Daimler Chrysler would approve this ad??

So, do any GM dealers "modify" trucks with chips, etc and sell them as new trucks with full warranties? It often amazes me the size of lift kits and tires dealers put on new trucks. This has got to cause more wear and tear. Is this covered under the GM warranty?


06-23-2007, 10:34
Yes, I've heard a bunch of dealers advertising and selling diesel trucks that are lifted and chipped.

Here's how they "say" the warranty works. The seling dealer will warranty it, of course, I would get it in writing. Whatever damage the mods cause that dealer will fix themselves, whatever goes wrong that is GM's fault will be put thru GM. The true spirit of the M-M act. Problem is that what if you break down in another state or far away from that dealer?? I can't answer that question.

I know an ex-ford-diesel mechanic that worked at a local, mod happy, dealer... He fixed things all the time, most went thru FoMoCo and some went thru the dealer. The dealer made 40-foot cargo containers full of $100 dollar bills selling mods and warranty repairs were their cost of doing business...

On the Chevrolet side, there was a dealer in Central Florida I talked to that sells lifted trucks with big tires, chipped, with diamond plate accessories all over it. It adds about $10k-$15k to the price of the truck... However, you could do it outside of the dealer for about $5k-$8k TOPS. Cheaper if you did yourself. So you can see that they can afford a few warranty repairs.