View Full Version : Arrowhead

More Power
04-08-2005, 09:50
Arrowhead is no longer with us. I encourage comments, suggestions or constructive criticism from all of you – for any reason, and I can take criticism as well as the next guy, but when that criticism gets personal and derogatory, it crosses the line.

AH began his interaction here with the intention of selling in the forum. When it became clear to him that panhandling wasn’t allowed, the envelope pushing began. Once that didn’t work out for him, he began his own BB, and immediately posted slams and derogatory criticisms. This is the same classic path chosen by three other GM diesel related BB’s that sprang up since the summer of 2000. All were began by people who wanted to sell in our forum while disregarding the forum rules & guidelines. I find it rather hypocritical that they claim information should be free while force-feeding their gizmos onto whomever they come across for a profit.

There were no other diesel pickup enthusiast web sites on the net in 1996. The Diesel Page was the first. Instead of tearing down others or being a parasite on other web sites, my philosophy was to “build it, and they will come”. We concentrated on quality content and information that improved performance, solved problems and increased owner satisfaction. Just ask yourself one question: “Why doesn’t The Diesel Page sell gizmos?”

Jim Bigley

04-08-2005, 10:46
This just in from the Department of Irony.

Just for laughs, I checked out his personal 6.5 diesel forum. Other than himself, only one other person posted anything.

Old Steaksauce himself. :D

I wonder how he feels about someone using HIS forums to peddle a product.

To quote Shakespere... "It is to laugh"


Dvldog 8793
04-08-2005, 11:10
I have been a member on and off for about 3 years(???) I must have missed the Steaksauce person cause I don't recall anything along those lines. I Have posted on a scam site in regards to an individual that was listing this page as a scam. I can only base my opinion on my personal experiences. That would be that this site and it's forrums have helped me immensly with my trucks. I have also laughed at many of the posts.(Dr Lee's "NA-CAD" :D ) I hope that I have contributed useful and good information and I would hope that if I was in error that someone would correct me. I have had postings with Arrowhead and always found that he was civil and I never thought he was trying to peddle anything. Maybe I am on the wrong track but he seemed liked an alright guy. I do remember when his tag line changed and he dropped the links to his sights. I have followed his links to check them out, neat stuff. Anyways, any good information that he had/has should now be considered a loss to the forrum public. I personally saw no malice in other posts that were involved in this, I buy from many of the vendors listed on this board. ALL have their good/bad points, IN MY OPINION.
Some people have thin skin, insult my beloved Corps of Marines and my hackles get high real fast. I guess it is just different buttons for different people. I do think(again "opinion") that moderators should be just that and not public defenders.
I refuse to engage in any behind the back negative statements to past postings/members. I teach my kids that if you can't say anything good keep your mouth shut. And if you have to sy something bad say it face to face(not phone/email/snailmail ect...) Hopefully I'm better at it than they are! tongue.gif
I will continue to pay my dues for a service that I think is worth the price. Hopefully many of the members that I read/watch for will continue also, cause that is the ONLY reason for paying. There is a yellowpages for finding vendors, but it's hard to find good/fair/honest/unbiased information from a variety of sources.
Hope this helps.....
Conley Janssen
USMC 87-93

[ 04-08-2005, 05:48 PM: Message edited by: Dvldog 8793 ]

04-08-2005, 12:57
I've been told I'm wrong numerous times.......don't care, it won't do anything but amaze a few when my truck sucks the fenders off of other trucks. As far as being told I'm wrong........I'll bet my Indy 500 winning crew ring on any tech advise i've offered.

04-08-2005, 13:31
Maybe I missed something?

Whose decision was it for him to leave?

Either way, See ya.

Rules are rules.

Nobody is twisting anybody's arm to stay aboard.

04-08-2005, 15:29
[b]it became clear to him that panhandling wasn

04-08-2005, 15:48
"panhandling"...sounds like a rather derogatory term to me.

04-08-2005, 17:29
This is sad. Whoever said,"Life is too short", should do an encore. Why do we humans have such a tendancy to offend/take offense? I wish I had a dollar for every time I've said or done something that I was sorry for later.
I hope that the current discussion doesn't affect the the overall workings of the DP. I've been a member for quite a while now, and I've never felt compelled to take offence at another member. I would bet money that I have made some mistakes in data that I have posted, and I know for sure that I've read some posted by others. I know that this late controversy didn't start from a mistaken piece of info. But, isn't it essentially the same thing? Might as well be, for all that was accomplished in that thread!
I've bought a lot of stuff from JK. No complaints here. He has shared his time and info on the phone with me on many occasions. That's free! If I don't like his price, I don't have to buy from him.
If RJ jumped in a little too strong, we can just step back, take a deep breath, think about the thing from his point of view, and (Let it go!) He's helped a lot of us.
AH has helped people too. Actually, I think I helped him a few days ago. He's not the Diesel Doctor. Now there is the guy we all should be jumping on!
I like the DP for all the good that I've gleaned from it's pages, as well as all the good conversations I've had here. I refuse to let any one's personal animosity drive me away from being a member.
I think I'll just resolve right here and now to let this little tiff be just plain entertainment, and go on to the next post, then get a good night's sleep, by golly. My wish is that all of you on the Diesel Page may do the same. Bless you all.
Dick Wells

Peter J. Bierman
04-09-2005, 07:05
I am glad I own a 6.2 so I don't have to read all this stuff at the 6.5 forum :D :D


84 Convert
04-10-2005, 18:08


Marty Lau
04-11-2005, 12:10
Originally posted by grape:
I've been told I'm wrong numerous times.......don't care, it won't do anything but amaze a few when my truck sucks the fenders off of other trucks. As far as being told I'm wrong........I'll bet my Indy 500 winning crew ring on any tech advise i've offered. Grape....Indy 500 ring, I think that is cooler than a A.H. Fox grade CE, and I think a Fox is very cool. I'm impressed! :cool:
Fox I bought, you earned the ring man.

04-11-2005, 12:26
Originally posted by Cowracer:
This just in from the Department of Irony.

Just for laughs, I checked out his personal 6.5 diesel forum. Other than himself, only one other person posted anything.

Old Steaksauce himself. :D

I wonder how he feels about someone using HIS forums to peddle a product.

To quote Shakespere... "It is to laugh"


All a vendor has to do to get along with the DP is play by the rules. Advertising in your signature or images is not allowed for non vendors pure and simple...