View Full Version : OBD2 Scan Tool

11-03-2007, 07:43
Whats the best for the Money out there?
I want to read codes that havent set off the MIL light.
Additionally would like to be able to do things like power balance etc..

Used an anctual OBD2 from GM and its the cats meow, however the cost is not. Currently looking at an Equus Innova 3130 scan tool $190.00 seems to be OK from the brouchure. This is model above what the local Murrays Auto parts sells. I looked at a local unit from Accutron, it only reads a code if the light is set. Maybe a lower unit they had.

Best one that can actually do more then read codes?

11-03-2007, 07:50
From what I know most of the "Parts store models" will not do much more than read the codes and maybe on some models allow you to look at real time data.

The only way to be sure of what a unit will do is to call the manufacture and ask what they have that is compatible with the 6.5 and what it will do.

I have looked into this myself and have yet to buy anything because of the cost.

Just ask a lot of questions and do this at the manuf level not the parts store. The counter people generally dont know all the techy info on this sort of thing.

Expect to be in the higher $$$ arena for one that will do what you want.

Good luck and keep us posted

Missy Robyn

11-05-2007, 07:42
If you already have a laptop computer, Carcode is a good program, and about $125, I think. I have it and have used it to set TDC offset, shut cylinders off one by one, etc.

You can also use it on a home pc with an extension cable. The drawback with this, obviously, is you can't scan while driving... You can still read/clear codes.

Check it out at obd-2.com.

Hope that helps.


11-05-2007, 09:55
Also try autoenginuitydotcom for a really professional pc-ware OBD2 scantool

KennedyDiesel may have another version, also