View Full Version : The first white Christmas in years and no 4X4

12-25-2007, 15:25
Well it started snowing a few hours ago now so I went out and warmed up the Burb so we could use it to go to friends for dinner.
Rig started and runs fine as usual. We have about 3-4 inches of snow now, not enough to cause issues "YET" but later this eavening could be ????????? here at the ranch given the altitude.
Grabbed the 4x4 handle and then waited the usual 10 seconds or so for the light to come on. HMMMM finally it came on and then just about as fast it went back off and the 4x4 is not working.

25 amp fuse to the system is fine but no workie.

Probably the Thermal actuator has gone the way of all good things.
Could be the Tcase switch but until I can crawl under the beast and mess with it and check the power flow to the actuator I wont know.

Gawd I love this electronic stuff. NOT :eek:

This is the reason I rant negatively about all this electronic crap.
When it fails its always when you need it, not when its nice outside and you can scoot under it in the shade and sit and muse the problem while plowing the froth off a couple cold ones

Give me a set of hubs and a Johnson bar on the stinking thing PLEASE!!!!!!!:mad:

This rig will get fixed as soon as the snow leaves and just possibly converted to the manual cable system.

My best and Merry Christmas


12-25-2007, 18:29
Used to be a company called Posi Lock or something close to that who made a cable/mechanical replacement for the 4X4. They also had a rod and set screw setup for full time lock. I talked with the guy and he said he ran with his locked all the time. No 4X until the t case is locked in.

Seems like Missy Goldwrench cold fashion something up out back in the shop? It had a collar that fits where the thermal unit mounts with a rod and cable up to the dash. And it would be made in the USA!! :D

12-25-2007, 21:12
I have seen the Posi Lock kits.
Work well and no hastle
I am thinking that the Thermal actuator took a poop. Its probably the original from the factory.

My DaHooooley has the electric motor unit on it. Seems that the little servo motor was an add on until 96???

I could use a later servo motor but will probably just figure out what died and fix it.
The Posi Lock is not a cheap item and neither is the Thermal actuator.
The Burb has been relegated to being a second string backup rig now but having the 4x4 working especially this time of year is a nice thing.

I would use the DaHooooley but I kept highway tires on it as I dont really want to spend the Bucko's for a set of diggers on a rig that will never see any off road or mudding.
We used the little Pony truck today. (Explorer) Gawd that thing has the auto 4x4 that engages when it sees a certain amount of wheel slip bias from front to back then WHAM in it comes. I just turn the KA Nob and save the drive train from the slam.

OMG the heater on the Pony stopped working right. The heater temp control wont do anything. Luckily its in the hot position. Found a set of Factory repair manuals on ebay at a right price so they are coming.
Probably the air blend door motor or the control took a dump.]
I just hope that I dont have to start by removing the rear bumper to fix it:eek:

The more they overthink the plumbing the easier it is to plug up the drain.


12-26-2007, 06:46
fyi: http://www.4x4posi-lok.com/

12-26-2007, 08:28
Yup seen them in the 4x4 shops and on a couple rigs.

Right now I dnt have the $$$$ to spend on a rig that is a secondary for us.
I have the wiring harness and a late model servo so I may just install that setup.



12-26-2007, 13:16
Wiring checked out fine and the power was switching correctly to the T-A
Got a fresh actuator from the Napa Store and it took about 15 minutes to fix the issue.

Come nicer weather I will install the updated wiring harness and the late style servo motor..

Seemed like a good idea since its still snowing. ;)



12-30-2007, 07:25
Robyn, I see you have already fixed the problem but I think there was a TSB issued on this. My '95 k2500 did the same thing several years ago and the dealer took care of it.

12-30-2007, 08:50
Thanks for the reply.
Im the 3 rd owner of the rig and at 257K I dont think they are going to offer anything for this.

As much as I hate the design, that many miles and years on the truck is still not too bad of a run time.

Fortunately I found out that the thing did not work while I was at home here at the Ranch and on the property.

Simply parked the Burb and we used the Explorer to do the running and then replaced the actuator the next day.

The new NAPA replacement works fine.

I always test the 4x4 on these rigs as soon as the first hint of nasty weather shows up.

If I had to travel a lot into the Bush and depend on the 4x4 on a regular basis, I would install a Posi Lock system and be done with it.

At least this truck still has a lever on the floor to get the T case in gear.
Seems as though those have pretty much gone the way of the dynasour too.

Some things are sacred to me and the 4x4 controls are one of them.
I view a 4x4 vehicle as not only my transportation to go get the groceries and to get around but also as a tool that is useful when the weather gets bad or to use for other needs when they arise.

A tool is no good at all if it wont work when you need it me thinks.
IMHO in the quest to make 4x4 vehicles more "Civilized" and palatable to the yuppy crowd many things that have been standard equipment are now gone (The 4x4 shifter and a set of You twistem hubs by Warn) to name a few important ones

So many city people seemed to have the opinion that a 4x4 rig was just too red neck and country for them.
They want an SUV (Gawd I hate that term)
"Nice truck Mack" :eek: always gets them fired up. :D

So the manufactures come along and take away the real tools that make the tool a tool when you really need it.
I really like the little rotary switch on the dash of the little Explorer, sweet and simple to use on the fly, but what do you do when the little light does not come on and the 4x4 dont work and you really need it. :eek: OH SH#$ Frank.

Nawwww I will still take my You twistems and a Johnson Bar on the floor thankyou. Never blows a fuse or has an actuator fail. Dont need a light either, just anoying, I think I can still remember when its in gear :rolleyes:

Ever wonder about the little plastic plugs and the wires down on the Front Axle that run the servo setup, Hmmm what happens when a stray branch snaps up while your way out in the sticks and smashes this stuff beyond recognition and then on the way back out of the sticks you really need the 4x4 and it wont work.

Im happy to let the city folks have their SUV's with all the little convenience knobs. Heck most of these folks are gonna be in the ditch soon after they try to use the thing in the snow anyway. All the TV ads show the little SUV plowing through snow drifts like they are nothing.
To watch the local news after we get snow is a major Hoot around here, almost as good as the show, funniest home videos. :D

The 4x4 is only as good as the brains that are operating it. Poor planning and no real thinking is gonna end up in a ditch real quick.

I like my AC and my stereo but I still prefer my manual 4x4. They always work when I need them and to this day I have never had one fail no matter what the weather.

The mechanical auto hubs earned my distrust early on too as they were prone to Hicups from time to time.

AHHH well all is fixed for the time being.

I dont get into the serious brush bustin that I used to years ago so I can live with this stuff, Most of the time anyway. :) Never said I had to like it though

Still get nervous anytime I need the 4x4 and yank the lever and then wonder if the thing will work.



01-06-2008, 22:03
Darlin', if the newer units still had those primitive mechanical controls, you could chip yer nail polish or worse, break a fingernail. Now, you wouldn't want yer suburban-dwellin' cousins to be inconvenienced while switching to 4WD (assumin' they had a clue what "4WD" actually meant), would ya'? :D

01-07-2008, 11:57
Darlin', if the newer units still had those primitive mechanical controls, you could chip yer nail polish or worse, break a fingernail. Now, you wouldn't want yer suburban-dwellin' cousins to be inconvenienced while switching to 4WD (assumin' they had a clue what "4WD" actually meant), would ya'? :D

I can attest to the not knowing what "4WD" meant. My significant other said her father told her to put it in 4-HI if it was raining or snowing. It was tough not to laugh at hearing that along with her asking what 4-HI meant. It was quite a conversation.