View Full Version : WTB used electric fuel lift pump.

08-01-2008, 23:02
Looking for a used 6.5 diesel (or similar) electric lift pump that someone may have removed in preventative maintenance that actually still worked. I know I've done this trying to troubleshoot things, and had the spare left over after the event :rolleyes:.

Anyways, just rigging up a slow lift pump to use as a transfer pump from fuel tank to fuel tank. I'm just needing a pump to connect to 3/8 hose that I'll pump biodiesel from one tank (auxillary in the back of the burb) into the drag truck, or into the suburban's main tank. This'll allow me to make a full trip w/o paying for greed laced diesel fuel.

So, whatcha got, I already have the adapters that'll screw into these pumps to convert it to regular ol hose...

Cheap, Cheap, Cheap, I squeek when I walk!

J Dub

08-07-2008, 06:29
From my 98 6.5 - it had around 100k when I replaced it, more as a manner of maintenance, it still seemed to pump fine.

Send me a PM if you're interested.

