View Full Version : Fuel Cooler

08-16-2008, 16:11
Can anyone explain the small radiator in front of the fuel tank on my 2008 Silverado 2500HD Appears to cool the returned diesel fuel

If that is it's purpose what will occur in sub zero winter temps


Mark Rinker
08-16-2008, 19:10
You got it. Its a fuel cooler.

Wondered myself about the winter scenario, but never seemed to have any problems even in the worst Minnesota can throw at these trucks.

My 2006 can be tempermental when its really cold, but if you can make it through the first 15 minutes, you'll probably make it all day. My problems, when they happen, are the fuel filter waxing up on days -10F and below.

Plug-in overnight and a good warmup period on days like this will avert the problem by getting the filter housing up to temp before pouring fuel through it.

09-05-2008, 04:46
That fuel cooler thing appears to be vulnerable as hell in it's factory location. The dealer service Mgr said there is no factory guard or skidplate for this cooler and warned "if you do one, be sure it's vented so that air can pass through".

The location just screams that it's ready for road debris (or off-road debris) to jump up and bite it:eek:

Mark Rinker
09-07-2008, 08:49
My 2002 got hooked by a rock or something, looks really bad, but still works and doesn't leak. Agreed its in a bad place but it has to catch air to be effective.

I've often though of wrapping mine in a sock and duct tape for the winter...

09-08-2008, 08:28
My 06' came with a factory shield, perforated plate, about 16ga. Also I see no reason for a skid plate as the cooler abuts the frame and is above the frame bottom. If this was an issue we would certainly have heard prior complaints.