View Full Version : 01' winter cover

11-04-2008, 06:49
Looking for an 01' 6.6L winter cover. Long story, but mine is now history. Anyone have one in good shape that wants to get rid of it?

Thanks, Shed

12-01-2008, 18:06

I have one for my 2001 Dmax; it has never been on, and probably never will be. It's sitting somewhere out in the garage in a plastic bag.

Why not email me at rich.p (at) att.net and let me know what it's worth to you. I'm in northern Illinois and I see you're in Iowa, so shipping shouldn't be too much.

Rich Phillips

Mark Rinker
12-03-2008, 11:15
Not trying to screw up a good match here...but Rich, don't you ever put your winter front on in IL? Man it gets cold there, too - doesn't it?


12-03-2008, 11:33
Hi Mark,

I confess.

I never got around to putting it on the first year -- it never got what seemed to me to be very cold, and the doggoned thing started right up, warmed up OK, and ran fine.

The next year, I considered doing it, but remembered that the first year I didn't seem to need it. Same thing the next year.

But here I am 7 years later, and I've never had it on, never felt I needed it, and so why not move it along to someone who needs it more than me.

I know -- shame on me. Maybe global warming is really having an impact on Northern Illinois......


Mark Rinker
12-03-2008, 12:17
Agreed, they still act nice without it - warm up faster and do better on mileage with it on. We run them anytime its 10F or under. Keeps alot of salt/sand/gritty stuff out of the cooler stack as well.

To each their own.

12-03-2008, 15:03
Hi Mark,

Well that ten degree threshold could make one or both of us feel better.

Our winters here have not been very severe the last decade, and there are few times it has gotten that cold. Also, we go to Florida in January or February with the fifth wheel, which eliminates some of the exposure to extreme temps.

I follow your cross-country exploits with great interest; you have quite a little operation going there.

Have a good one.


01-04-2009, 20:10
do you still have the winter front for sale?

01-05-2009, 16:05
Hi Biggins,

Sure do. Email me at rich.p (at) att.net.


01-05-2009, 21:38
Rich, I can't get the email to send. Email me at budweiserbiggins@yahoo.com and let me know a price shipped to Montana. Thanks, Biggins