View Full Version : Propane Injection?

03-29-2009, 20:26
Hey everyone,

I just wanted to see if anyone has installed propane injection on their 6.6. Could adding propane injection cause any damage? I'm just looking for more information about this. Thank you

Mark Rinker
03-30-2009, 05:55
I ran an MSD (now Superchips) digital propane system on a 2001 K2500. Probably not the best candidate - as the 2001 LB7 has a known head gasket weakness, and adding more fuel rate of any kind will likely expose this over time.

Yes, you can do damage with too much propane, just like you can do damage with too much #2 fuel. Its not likely to happen, if you use a digital system, with electronic controls. Some of the cheaper aftermarket kits are basically BBQ parts, and have a high potential for flowing too much propane. No savings there...

What is your goal? Unless you can buy your propane at 65% or less of the cost of #2 diesel, there isn't a cents/BTU advantage to propane. If you can, then you'll see a payback over time. Gobs of extra power, and a digital system can be set up to add only a whisper when running loaded, in the hills. You can switch it on and off easily, and its like an extra fuel tank - extending filling intervals. Great for long haulers.


Search the forums here at TDP for other postings I've made on this product.

03-31-2009, 13:24
interesting. I think I will hold off then. Thank you for saving me a lot of money!

Mark Rinker
04-01-2009, 05:29
Its a fun project. If you were to spot a huge tank of propane outside your shop, with the fill nozzle and pump like the stations have - say to HEAT the shop ;) ... Well you'd find some savings, then!

Problem is, on the road its all priced relative to other fuels. Flying J has fills nationwide, they are about the lowest...