View Full Version : Benefits to washing under the hood

Mark Rinker
07-21-2009, 14:54
I have always washed under the hood carefully when washing the truck. Always liked the way it looked, and let me see what was going on if a leak started somewhere. Have been amazed at some of the dirty, filthy engine bays I have come across, on otherwise clean and shiny cars. My dad's farm trucks got terribly dusty under the hood. In that respect, I have improved on the previous generation...

Yesterday, as I did the normal contortionist act to replace the fuel filter on my '06, a big dirty oily fuzzball from somewhere found its way onto the top of the new filter, just as I was about to lift it into place...seems I hadn't been as careful as usual to get the wand into that corner of the engine compartment, and allow gunk to accumulate on the A/C lines, waiting for the opportunity to jump onto my shiny new clean fuel filter.

*&%$# had to bring the filter back out, clean off the fuzz, and then start all over again...

Next time you are at the car wash - make sure to get that corner/top of filter housing/etc. nice and clean. You'll be happy you did when it comes time to replace the fuel filter!!!