View Full Version : Back to using the green pumps!

10-26-2009, 21:46
At least part of the time, anyway. It's been almost 3 years since I got rid of my diesel truck due to it needing repairs and me not having a place to do them, and replaced it with a gasser (97 Ram 1500 4x4.) That began having transmission issues and I traded it for the 2000 Wrangler I've been driving for a little over a year. But that all changed last Tuesday, when I bought this:


And with the other set of side boards on:



It's an '88 F350 w/7.3l & 5-speed - my first Ford - and had been sitting out front of a small shop maybe 1/4 mile up the road for close to a month. I walked in about 1.5 weeks ago, asking if anyone had found my wallet that I thought I'd lost while checking the truck out the night before, and was told they hadn't but that if I was interested I could have it for $1500. I was, and I do LOL All I've had to do was put new glow plugs in to correct a hard cold start problem. I love driving it, it just has a bigger feel than similarly-sized newer vehicles I've driven. I'll use it as my daily driver for another week or so to check for issues & problems I missed, and to see what kind of mileage it gets. Then it'll be mainly used for work, like making dump runs, doing cleanup, and occasional trailer towing once I get a controller (there are wires fro ma previous installation tucked under the dash.)

11-13-2009, 13:24
Glad to see you're back to using the green pumps, even if it's while driving the "other" brand!!

Seriously, I like all diesels. I had a '95 Powerstroke for a while....it was a pretty good rig.

I'm down to just one diesel now, my '95 Tahoe 6.5L. At one point, I had around three GM diesels at any given time. Marriage and kids have thinned out my herd!

I'm still enjoying my '97 TJ. It's just a toy. The Tahoe is my daily driver.


11-15-2009, 08:29
I've been driving this one as my daily driver since I got it - I'm actually getting 17mpg even with that huge rack on it. A friend is driving my Jeep til we can get her Suburban fixed, and the Jeep doesn't really get much better mileage (fuel is a little cheaper though.) I like driving the truck, people tend to give me room! LOL

11-18-2009, 15:28
My Jeep Wrangler with the 2.5L 4-cylinder has barely enough power to maintain 65 mph on a flat stretch of road, and look out if I come to a hill! "I'm sorry I'm holding up traffic!" I have to yell! ;) This little gasser gets 18 mpg, and is loud, bumpy, rough-riding and darts around on the road (but that's what makes it fun!)

Now, my full-size SUV, with leather seats, cruise control, and quiet interior has enough power with the 6.5L 8-cylinder diesel to cruise at ANY speed, and then some. Hills are no problem, downshifting is not required. In fact, I have so much power, I can load the Jeep onto my 16' trailer, and tow it behind the Tahoe and still accelerate up a hill! All while delivering a consistent 17.5 mpg. I love it!

Depending on what mood I'm in...I still love to drive the Jeep to work, but I have to check the weather first. If there's any wind...the Jeep stays parked! Still a blast to drive with the top off, though. But man, I love driving a turbo diesel vehicle.
