View Full Version : Oil pan leakage

01-03-2010, 18:22
Preparing to redo my leaky oil pan and was reading through the DP R&R guide. It calls for anearobic sealer on the bearing cap. Will Permatex Ultra-gray work the same?

01-04-2010, 00:19
The only place you want the anerobic sealant is underneath the rear main bearing cap that you would have removed when doing the rear main seal change. This is going to be a loc-tite product, small tube, red/purple goo.

For the pan, I only recommend "The Right Stuff" RTV sealant. For some reason these Diesels are extra hard to seal with regular ol RTV.

Anyways, get yourself a new rubber seal for the rear bearing cap. Cover both sides of the seal with RTV and instert it on the bearing cap, also place a dab of RTV (a small pool) at the bases of the seal as it goes between the block and the bearing cap. Then place a nig big bead all the way across on the seal and on the pan.

I like to use Carb cleaner or brain cell killer/brake cleaner on the sealing surfaces of the pan and the block.

01-04-2010, 06:15
Good info! Yea, this will be the third time doing the pan and rear main seal. I'm not sure if the rear main is leaking again or the pan but I do that I leave my signature every where I park for more than 5 minutes!

I usually use Permatex Ultra Grey on most everything I do. I've heard nothing but good about The Right Stuff but never tried it. Think I'll try it this time for sure.

Planned to get that rubber seal on the way home today so I'll pick up the other sticky items you recommend as well.

Got plenty of cans of brake cleaner already.


01-04-2010, 12:37
Oh, and the anerobic goes under the bearing cab, but not the entire portion. Just the portion where there is a groove facing outward, so just the corners between the block and the seal.

01-04-2010, 13:10
Got it! Thanks! The DP R&R has a great picture of that (thanks Jim).