View Full Version : Cold morning = plugged filter!

01-07-2010, 13:03
Subzilla was surging a little bit earlier this week which indicates a plugging filter and I know it a little past time for the annual filter change. Just been too busy. So this morning the temps were in the high teens and I started her up and let idle a good 10 minutes. I wanted to make sure everything was nice and warm. Backed up the driveway, she surged one good time, then coughed a little, then surged again, then died. Pooh. I know it's the filter - seen this before. Restarted and drive back down to park it. No way will it make it to work so I grab another vehicle.

Thank goodness I have a fleet of vehicles I can choose from. See Honey (I told my wife), having all of these trucks around is such a great thing!

Man, it's been continuously cold here just like the rest of the country. Teens at night and 30ish at day for the past weeks and for the next week! Not normal! I feel for you Northern people.