View Full Version : wind noise

04-24-2005, 18:23
I rode shotgun for the first time in my Suburban and noticed wind noise at speed as though a window were open. I checked gaskets and the seal seems fine. The rubber is not dried or cracked. Anyone else have this experience?

04-24-2005, 23:30
ace58, I have had wind noise problems, some 12mnths ago. I don't know if this is related to what you have discribed, given that you said that you have checked the seals ect.
The wind noise that I experienced was a whistle,
and only appeared at speeds above 15klm/hr.I intially suspected the heater and the demister ducts, as the noise was coming from around that area.
Anyway it was the Wind Sceen seal at the top, when the original sealant drys out it cracks, and with the Air Conditioned activated and the amount of compression applied to the sceen when closing the doors, this was enough to cause the problem.
I didn't remove the screen, to fix it, just used a fine bladed knife and removed as much of the sealant as possible, this was on the outside. Then I purchased some sceen sealant and re-applied it, this has worked for me.
If you suspect a similar problem, purchase some Masking or duct tape, and apply it over your wind screen seal on the out side. This will prove or dis-prove the wind screen seal.
Good Luck.

04-25-2005, 00:38
Body/chassis flex will bend the tops of the doors out on the burb, ongoing problem for me.

I simply apply pressure to the top of door when open giving a slight bend towards body, this works for awhile. However, be advised this can cause the top of the door to rub the body eventually going through the upper weather seal, paint, primer and cause slight rust.

I touchup rust areas as soon as it appears, taking care to get all the rust, then applying some self etching primer, or at times rust converter, then paint, having to repeat a few years down the road.

04-25-2005, 18:57
a common problem with door seals is that they tend to flatten down over time. although we routinely bend door frames to eliminate wind noise, if you have to do it more than once or twice, you may want to check to see if the seal is still rounded or has it flattened out. there are many aftermarket places to buy new seals, or the dealer, takes about 1hr to replace both door seals. doing ours right now.

04-26-2005, 01:57
You hit the nail on the head, Herman, the seals are not cracked but are flat. I will try replacing seal and wind screen. Thanks all.