View Full Version : I need some help rebuilding my air pump

05-01-2011, 17:52
This is the air pump I have torn down and I have already made some mistakes. It came off a M35 military deuce and a half. I got for my deuce because it was missing one when I bought it. From what I have researched so far it is a Midland twin cylinder base mount. My intention was to just take it apart and replace all the gaskets. It was covered in grease so I figured they were leaking. It turned out the gaskets were all fine and the inside of it looked great. But it needs a good blasting and a new paint job anyway. I did finally find a company that can get me the parts but I only found one. I was hoping you all might know of some others so I can compare prices. Also, what are the torque specs on everything? And now for the biggest mess up I made. When I pulled the rotating assembly apart I got the pistons and caps out of order. I know that was a big screw up but right now I need to know how to fix it. I do not know which cylinder goes with which piston and with cap goes with which connecting rod. The cylinder walls look great and you can still see the hone marks on them. Being since all that looks new, do I still have to replace the piston rings? Any help will sure be appreciated; I have to get this slapped back together quick, fast, and in a hurry.

05-03-2011, 17:03
First check the wear pattern on the checks of the rod and cap,try to get a match there,then check the machine marks on the end of the cap and match with the rod and third where the cap and rod mate there may be some stains that you might be able to match them. when you find a close match, assemble them, do the finger test along the split line, you should feel no step. and to be sure things are right, have them rebuilt,if you can.

05-03-2011, 17:25
Thanks, that is good advice.

05-29-2011, 17:19
You probably are a member if you have been into military vehicles for a while but just in case have you tried the MVPA (Military Vehicle Preservation Association) www.mvpa.org for contacts and suppliers of just about all things ex military.

Good luck with the repair of the cmpressor.



05-29-2011, 17:23
I cannot beleive I not think of them. I am a member of other military vehicle clubs and organizations but for some reason I never checked into them.