View Full Version : Rubber radiator mounts

06-12-2012, 18:49
Still putting the 'burb back together and I see the rubber mounts that sit below the radiator are disintegrating, and I'm missing one of the uppers. Who sells them? Checked rockauto and local stores and came up blank.

06-12-2012, 19:13
www.lmctruck.com (http://www.lmctruck.com)

www.throwupyourhandsandthrowinyourwalletatthedeale rship.com (http://www.google.com)

06-12-2012, 19:56
Ha! Thanks. For some reason I never thought of LMC.

I have to admit, I clicked on the second link. :) Good one.

06-12-2012, 20:10
My pleasure. Good luck!

06-13-2012, 07:06
LMC offers good parts (in most cases)

The little rubber items you need may still be available at the dealer.

I got the last set I needed from the dealer, and they were not all that spendy.

After GM did the restructure, a good many parts were struck from stock.
Almost nothing for the older stuff is avaiable now, unless it carried through to some of the later models.

If the item was used a lot of models and saw reasonable sales, it may have survived the down sizing.

LMC is real handy and you can order right online from your computer, and in a few days it comes in a little brown truck, or the postman brings it, depending on the size of the parts.

Have fun and good luck


06-13-2012, 14:33
Looks like it's LMC for $4.95/each plus shipping. My local dealer says discontinued with no substitute available.

And that's fine since, as Robyn says, the brown truck just drops them at the door. No need to drive around town chasing parts.