View Full Version : Bedrail Height

09-30-2012, 07:35
Can anyone tell me why GM made the bedrails taller on new trucks? Just bought a Chevy 3500HD CC dually. Installed my toolbox that used to fit flush w/bedrails on my previuos 2005 2500HD. Top of toolbox is now 2 inches below top of bedrail. That increased height reduced the clearance between bedrail and 5th wheel trailer.

09-30-2012, 10:47
Who knows why they do what they do (did). It increases cargo space, but as you said, decreases 5th wheel clearance. I've dinged my bed rails a couple times with a 5'er, so I can see that as a problem, in some cases.

You could also ask the question, "why were they so short before"? Who knows....

10-01-2012, 07:43
Aerodynamics and fuel economy? Not sure if they moved the rails closer to the height of the cab roof or not?

Other than that to look bigger?

I'm dealing with it, and it's actually a positive with my tank/box combo as it sits more out of sight, but miss the old height.

Whatever you do don't "punch" the brake pedal like you used to on the old ones. Instant ABS groan, tire howl and rapid deceleration. :eek: There's no more slack to take up in the master cylinder. :cool:

10-01-2012, 10:14
Good advice on the brakes. Though I probably won't remember if I do have to make a panic stop. As for bed height, I lowered trailer hitch pin so it will clear bed better. Had about 4.5 inches clearance before but hitch tilts a bit laterally too so needed more to clear rails in off camber tight turns. Probably have to raise trailer on spring shackles to accomplish level. Just finished the pin adjustment and I'll see if it's too nose high before tearing into that.