View Full Version : Windshield Washer Fluid Missing

11-29-2012, 04:13
I KNOW I'm not using as much washer fluid as seems to be disappearing. I park on gravel so I don't see a spot on the ground. I have looked at the tank and don't see a leak, but I haven't looked at it when someone else is pushing the washer button.

Any ideas where I should look for this obvious leak and how to get to it?

Thanks all.

11-29-2012, 08:36
It could be the molded plastic line (cracked/broken), or the seal where the pump inserts into the tank. I had a problem with a cracked molded plastic line, and spliced with some rubber vacuum tubing. If you have to go in and push/pull on the line, warm it up with a hair dryer first, or work on it after the engine compartment is warmed up well. When cold (near/below freezing), the lines are very brittle. Warming it up may prevent completely destroying it (wish I could have done that when mine broke, out of town, in freezing temps).

11-29-2012, 15:28
After my first post I crawled under and looked at the tank. I could see residue from a leak under the pump. I also saw more to remove than I thought I wanted to get into. So I took it to the nearest dealer which is 15 miles from me. It seems the pump is leaking and there is also a crack in the tank. They didn't have either in stock, but will have tomorrow morning.

It is amazing that the tank would crack. I live in the south so it doesn't get that cold. I have NEVER had just plain water in the tank, not even once and it has never frozen. It seems after 6 1/2 years the plastic used just gets brittle. Welcome to planned obsolescence.

Did I spell that right?

But a little bit of maintenance looks much better than a new note.

11-29-2012, 15:52
I'd think about making some kind of mark on the tank before bringing it back in so they can change it - then ask to see the old tank after they replace it (and make sure the mark is there, meaning it is the same tank).

I've never (in my admittedly limited experience) heard of a tank cracking...

The point? Trust but verify. Seems odd that TWO kinda rare problems appear. Has the truck ever been in an accident?

11-29-2012, 16:58
Good suggestion. I will do that.

It has never been wrecked. It did sit through a tornado back in March and the entire left side was peppered with debris. More like sand blasting. No big dents.

11-29-2012, 19:10
I've heard of tanks cracking....on 20-30 year old vehicles. There's no reason it should have cracked. All of mine have been frozen and otherwise abused. I "hard froze" my 2001 washer tank and only had some cracked molded lines (only after I messed with them, at -10°F, full of summer formula). Maybe they were looking at mold flashing? It isn't uncommon, however, for the pump seal to leak. Usually, it's the "Walmart" type or cheap solvents that causes this (it has coarse blue pigment that builds up over time). Usually only a removal, seal cleaning and reinstall with some (plumbing, or silicone/dielectric) grease fixes it for another 10 or 50 years. Pump R/R is a very simple process (once you can access it).

It's possible it cracked, and if it is you should be able to see what they saw. Definitely take Quickrustdude's advice and mark it, and ask for your replaced parts (they are required by law to produce them if the repair is on your dime). If you've been using colored solvent, the crack should jump right out at you.

11-30-2012, 05:00
Thanks for your tips. I'm definitely marking this tank this morning before I head over to the dealer.

The solvent I have been using is the same color as Dexcool. I have CRS disease this morning and can't remember the brand, but the color makes it easy to see where the leak was coming from. It was definitely on the pump side of the tank as viewed from the bottom with it still installed. I will request the parts and if the tank isn't cracked there will be a discussion about the cost. I haven't had a good issue to get my teeth into for a while now. This could be fun.

11-30-2012, 14:38
The dealer was honest. The pump was leaking which was where most of the loss was going, but there was a leak in the tank also. I marked the tank and book a picture of it prior to going to the dealer and it was definitely my tank. The crack was in a 90 degree corner and appeared to be where the tank touched a metal brace.

Oh well, as I stated earlier, it is all fixed now and a bit of maintenance of much better than a new note.

Love my paid for bone stock LBZ.

More Power
12-04-2012, 15:23
It's important to note that there are different types of washer fluid, with some being designed to deal with summer bugs and some being designed for road grime and freezing temps (like Greg mentioned). This time of year, it's important to change out the fluid if it's the summer variety. The tank will hold at least a gallon.


12-04-2012, 18:35
I have always used the right stuff Jim and to my knowledge this tank has never frozen, but then who really knows for sure.