View Full Version : Avant 18:1 armed and ready, sir!

10-03-2005, 04:33
I got my truck back on saturday. I had no idea how many of my (truckless) friends were waiting on that event. I wound up hauling 4 loads of firewood, an 2 loads of furniture, and an engine crane, engine stand, and a lawnmower over the weekend.

And I don't even own any of it, dammit!

Anyway, the truck is running very well. It felt a little 'tight' for the first 50 miles or so, but it has since loosened up and power came up nicely as the rings got aquainted with the bores. I got a minor dribble out of the #1 injector (one drop every 10 seconds or so) to fix, but other than that, it is 100% road ready.

Power is good with the boost above ~7 lbs. It slightly flat with no boost, but thats to be expected with an 18:1. Above 7 lbs, the torque curve feels as fat as can be. I have limited boost to 11 psi for break in. I will adjust it up to about 14-15 in a 1000 miles or so.

It is noticably smoother at cruise speeds. I cruise at about 3000 rpm, and while I didnt get there too much yet, it is entirely without drama. The engine seems relaxed there. At 2500 it is smooth a baby's ass.

So far, the first start of the day is easy, but we'll see if the 18:1 hurt in the dead of winter.

Over all, I think I got a winner. And I have to give a shout out to Mike Starkey. He is not a member, but he knows the 6.5 inside and out, and did a fantastic job on changing out the motor. If any one is in the STL area and need a good 6.5 mechanic, Drop me a line and I can hook you up with him.


PS. I had to buy what amounted to only my 3rd load of fuel this year. The last one was at 1.69 a gallon. Took $84 to fill the big ******* up from DNE (damn near empty) on sunday. Yikes!

10-03-2005, 05:09
I know the feeling on running miles for others. Hauled my Deere to brother in law's this weekend (used about $75 worth of fuel in truck) for an hour of work moving some rocks and pulling out a tree/shrub thing. This time we made sure that HE bought us lunch as last time we hauled my pressure washer over so he could wash his driveway etc and after getting weak from hunger I finally ordered a pizza :cool:

So back to the subject, the work you are doing will help. I wouldn't worry about limiting boost as cylinder psi is what seats rings. Just change the oil and go for a nice tow!

The leaking injector likely needs to be split and have the boddy/middle ring lapped, new heat shield and retest pop psi...

10-03-2005, 05:47
Originally posted by kennedy:
I know the feeling on running miles for others. Hauled my Deere to brother in law's this weekend (used about $75 worth of fuel in truck) for an hour of work moving some rocks and pulling out a tree/shrub thing. This time we made sure that HE bought us lunch as last time we hauled my pressure washer over so he could wash his driveway etc and after getting weak from hunger I finally ordered a pizza :cool:

So back to the subject, the work you are doing will help. I wouldn't worry about limiting boost as cylinder psi is what seats rings. Just change the oil and go for a nice tow!

The leaking injector likely needs to be split and have the boddy/middle ring lapped, new heat shield and retest pop psi... Yep, when you own a truck, Your whole family owns a truck.

I will probably just replace the injector. I am so deep into the cash on this one that another $50 wont kill me.

At least you got food... I barely got a mumbled "thanks" :D


Marty Lau
10-03-2005, 07:25

WAAAAAAHHHHOOOOOOOO man you have had a long pull with this! I hope your PIA days are gone for a long time. It's good to see that Avants took care of you. The heck with the mumbled thanks at todays fuel prices cash in hand is the best thanks they NEED to give you. Don't be too sheepish to ask for a cash donation for youir time fuel and truck.

Barry Nave
10-03-2005, 08:53
When it comes to today fuel prices, having that person help with cost is in my book. Don't mind giving my time and help.
Filled my tank the other day,$60. Tank guage read 1/2 :rolleyes: :(
$3.10 gal :mad:

10-08-2005, 18:09
>>pulling out a tree/shrub thing
J.K. most likely a horticulturalist!

>>The leaking injector likely needs to be split and have the boddy/middle ring lapped, new heat shield and retest pop psi...
That's probably proper procedure. Four of mine leaked after being remanned locally. I removed all 8 , and overtorqued liberally. Now dry outside.

>>weak from hunger
>>barely got a mumbled "thanks"

Funny that's how it goes sometimes. Sometimes because the favoree (??) is focused/confused on the extraordinary activities. What i really love is when the favoree morphs into "management mode" for the favoror's 'benefit'.

Oh--meant to say , "More Power" to you , Tim , Happy Motoring and then some.

10-09-2005, 13:01
Once in a blue moon we'll get an injector body leak, but definitely not more than one of a set. I think some of these rebuilders skip the lapping thing and slap them together.

10-09-2005, 15:43
Out of three sets of injectors I've bought at Diesel Injection Service (http://www.dieselpage.com) I've never had a problem with a leaking body or other problems. I'd highly recommend them verses some other venders.