View Full Version : Time to pick on Ronniejoe

05-09-2005, 17:04
Alright enough is enough, when are you going to have the new motor making smoke. Ive watched paint dry and grass grow but waiting for you to report smoke from the pipe has wore me out. (all in humor of coarse). Where you at in this project?? Lets go!!


05-09-2005, 18:13
Starting knock, idle clatter, and tail-pipe smoke are all on back-order.... :D

I like diesel engines this way... they're much quieter. tongue.gif

Be well


Marty Lau
05-10-2005, 07:28
I would bet we will hear some lame excuses like, I had a business project that had to be done or I have been busy with the family and don't have as much time as I hope for...... tongue.gif

You know Ron if your going to make on a race team yo WILL have to pick up the pace just a bit. Are you sure you and Cow Racer have not been going fishing or something together? :D

05-10-2005, 08:25
I think that the rods are up thisaway at present, but I haven't talked to the machine shop as RJ is handling this part. I know he was out of town on business etc. Also working on heads I believe...

05-10-2005, 08:38
Frustration is a proper word...

05-10-2005, 18:50
It's all a process, my future engine is now splayed, getting a line bore currently, then comes the goodies..

Kent, you're just too dern fast!

[ 05-10-2005, 08:23 PM: Message edited by: john8662 ]

05-10-2005, 22:36
I had to have it up, i use the heck out of this truck, besides, i was excited. The next 4 days i will be pulling some loads and will get to try out the new intercooler i installed, im even excited about that. The older i get the less it takes. Come on RJ, we are a good ways into MAY already. Besides, you may forget how to put it back together. Best to all!!


05-11-2005, 04:07
Part of the delay...

The block sat for two months at a machine shop without being worked on. I finally have things moving. However, the usual unforeseen snags are still popping up.

My mother has had two heart surgeries since all this happened as well. We thought we were gonna lose her at one point.

Nobody is more anxious than me. I have been completely crippled without my Suburban. If it wasn't for the generosity of my dad loaning me his pickup... Hind sight is 20-20 and I wish I had some of the decisions to make again.

GMC Hauler
05-11-2005, 05:01
If I may ask, what decisions would you make again?

05-11-2005, 07:13
Originally posted by GMC Hauler:
If I may ask, what decisions would you make again? I think part of what Ron is saying is that my machinist is SLOW to respond this time of year as they are very booked with race engines and such. They typically turn work like this away except for fall/early winter. Had we seen the target date was not to be met...

They have one of those neat little novelty signs that say:

We do 3 types of 3 types of work: Good, Fast, and Cheap. You may have any 2 of the above.

If you want it Good and Fast it will not be Cheap.

If you want it Fast and Cheap it will not be Good.

If you want it Good and Cheap it will not be Fast.

RJ got 2 of these. It was better than good, but more than cheap, but certainly not fast.

Marty Lau
05-11-2005, 12:03
I glad your Mother is on the mend, give your Dad my best. I uderstand the frustration part, just keep whats left of your sanity as you deal with all that life has handed you.

Ron......PullOff in July............ ;)

05-12-2005, 03:21
Originally posted by 16ga SxS:
I glad your Mother is on the mend, give your Dad my best. I uderstand the frustration part, just keep whats left of your sanity as you deal with all that life has handed you.

Ron......PullOff in July............ ;) Mega Dittos on you mom. Your lucky to still have both of them. I lost dad at 64...

Pulloff in July? I'm in!


06-07-2005, 22:22

06-30-2005, 17:46
Final machining on the block is complete. The crank assy will be balanced in the morning. I will pick up my pile of assorted parts at the machine shop tomorrow and bring it all home. The Pull-Off is looking more possible all the time. ;)

Here's a shot of the block in final prep after torque plate hone.


I should finish my sister's Suburban differential rebuild tomorrow after picking up my parts. Gotta get that out of the way! :cool:

Look for a couple of articles to appear on TDP real soon... More after that.

07-01-2005, 19:21
Well, it's home! Will begin the build this weekend.

07-03-2005, 21:21
Smoke ???

07-04-2005, 05:51
Not yet...

I spent yesterday afternoon port matching the heads and manifolds (8 or 9 hours). Will start assembly today.

GMC Hauler
07-04-2005, 05:56
I'm gonna love to see this writeup! I hope I never join the club, but if I do, I want the Ronniejoe Rebuild Guide at my side! :D

07-04-2005, 08:04
can't wait to outrun it...... tongue.gif

but i will bring enough tungsten and lead to make up for the weight diff between the little k5 and your sub.

07-04-2005, 09:26

07-04-2005, 11:04
I've put 20k on my new engine since we were down. Im excited for ya.

07-05-2005, 07:08
Should be in and running by now...

07-05-2005, 16:37
I refuse to get in a big hurry now and wreck something!

07-06-2005, 04:17
I have a premonition about today oooohh

Marty Lau
07-06-2005, 07:21
Hey Ron keep a nice steady pace and triple check everything as you go, I'd hate to have you miss something little. Like you said don't get in a rush. If you have time and want to check out central Montana we have a couple of RV hook ups at our Farmstead that your welcome to use, we are either on the way to or from Glacier. Keep us posted.

07-06-2005, 07:38
Good Day!

"I refuse to get in a big hurry now and wreck something!" We'll be here whenever you get done, just grateful for the updates, pics, & upcoming article(s).


07-06-2005, 08:41
Originally posted by ronniejoe:
I refuse to get in a big hurry now and wreck something! Hey RJ, you realize that I purposly backed off on getting my engine in, just so I wouldn't beat you in getting on the road, and now your loafing on me? :D

Any estimate of when you'll fire it up? If mine ain't running by the end of the next weekend, Im gonna shoot myself in the head.


07-06-2005, 09:18
Don't do that! ;)

Should be by Saturday or Sunday...