View Full Version : Two (hopfully) minor issues.

10-17-2013, 04:56
Both have been discussed, here, but I need to revisit them.

(1) I put on new brakes, all around, this Summer, and, though I've enjoyed the new brake action, I find that every few days the "Service Brake System" alert shows up. Can re-start the engine, and it will usually go away temporarily, but always comes back. So, is there a way that I can re-set the ECU, or whatever, or do I have to go to the dealer to get it done?

(2)The old "AC quits working on the driver's side, only" syndrome. Has done this off and on for several years, now, but has shown up more frequently lately. Getting tired of running in 90+ degree weather with the windows all rolled down and waiting for the dang thing to right itself. Have to turn everything off and run for hours, sometimes, and usually have to shut the engine down before the AC will come back on my side. So, other than buying a whole new control unit, what are my options?

Thanks for any and all advise on both these issues.

10-17-2013, 09:41
Dick, I had the same thing happen with my A.C. There are two modules on the passenger side by the passengers feet. I bought a new module and was going to change it at our local dealership, but they didn't have the proper tools. Imagine that! Any way to make a long story short, I unplugged the module and forgot to plug it back in. We were going on a trip. Remembered later, plugged it back in and never had a problem since, and that was over two years ago. I returned the new module, as it wasn't used.

It's a bear to get too.

10-20-2013, 09:30
Thanks tpitt, but I'm still hoping to get some more specific feed-back on either, or both issues.

10-21-2013, 03:51
The same thing happened to my truck when it was less than six months old Dick. It was a servo that controls the left side vents or so I was told. It was still under warranty and the dealer replaced both right and left servos. There hasn't been a problem since.

10-22-2013, 06:50
Check if there is a programming update available. I believe there was an update to correct an overtravel of the actuator that caused the doors to stick. My 2005 did the heat stuck full hot on the RH side on one spring trip. After fiddling with the Tech 2 I eventually got it working again.

One other thing I suggest is using the auto mode. I see so many with the temp set at 60°f or 90° depending on the season. This obviously runs the doors at full travel. I set my temp at anywhere from 70°-76° depending on the truck and conditions and leave it there. The '05 prior to having these "fits" had the temp jacked all the way hot as carrying the snow plow messes with the HVAC temp.

10-22-2013, 07:49
Thanks, John. I do suspect that I have less problems with it, when I leave it on auto, and it's true that both me and my wife tend to ask for two extremes when we set the temps. I'll get in, in the cool of the morning, and ask for 76 degrees, and then when the ambient goes up, will switch to 62, or so. I'd sort of tumbled onto what you describe , in East Texas, and had run for two days without incident, when Jean reached over and flipped to manual mode and the driver's side went full hot in a hurry! Had to shut the HVAC off and roll the windows down, till the next time we shut down and re-started. It's been OK ever since, so maybe that's the answer.

I tried chasing both these issues down in the archives, but I apparently haven't been asking for it with the right wording. ???? I know I've read, back in the past, about the process of re-setting the computer after a brake job, but darned if I can locate it now.

09-02-2014, 16:27
Sorry, but I need to re-visit this one, as my recent trip to the dealership has cured all but the HVAC problem. I just found out, today, being the first time that I've hit the road for more than a few minutes since that dealer did the re-cal on the HVAC. Got the same problem - driver's side goes from ice cold to real hot in and instant. Shut it down and re-start and it's back to ice cold, but it doesn't last. So, again, what's the consensus? Sorry to bother you all. But I'd like to have a better idea of what to look for and what to buy to get my AC back.