View Full Version : 6.5 Parts

12-22-2013, 10:03
Friend of mine "blowed" up his 6.5, Hole in piston, so he swapped a 350 in it. I asked him for the F intake and he ended up giving me the engine , w/ turbo !!! I got old car to give him w/ "future" considerations. I will go & look at it / get it after this -25 C ( -33 tonight) is done. anything else I should scavange if possible? he said He sold the Vac. pump ( less than yr. old) to someone already (cr-p !) Merry Cristmas from Great White North !

12-23-2013, 12:37
The injector pump under the intake is what i would be interested in .

12-29-2013, 07:11
I got get it home first & check it out, but i am thinking of keeping it . Don't know why it got move to the classified. I wish this -25 C and lower cr-- would be over. I have leak @ my fuel manager & thinking I replace o rings in parts one & swap it. I originally just wanted the f intake. I do have some room to store whole motor.