View Full Version : Turbo Diesel Interceptor PMD/FSD starts death throws

05-19-2014, 10:25

Okay so zee '95 Turbo Diesel Interceptor started give the classic signs of FSD/PMD failure stalling with no warning. Heath Isolator been in place about 10 years and has been very reliable. Their comes a time when even the best Dog can't hunt no more. So I pulled off the Heath Isolator took the old Stanadyne model and replaced with brand spanking new Flight Systems model from Pensacola Fuel Injection put it on the heat sink. Cost $159 not to shabby considering what the old POS models use to cost. I still don't understand why zee beloved Government of these United States DID NOT force a recall on these damn things back in the 1990's.:confused:

Well all is good for now. ;)

05-21-2014, 13:47
You wouldn't happen to be Corvair on youtube, would you?


05-23-2014, 11:49
Nope, not Corvair. Not a fan of them either.;)