View Full Version : Question Repairing or Rebuliding Rear Spring

09-20-2014, 17:39
I have a 1986 M1031 {the military spec K30 (rated at 5/4 tons) ...... if you had one leaf cracked on on side would you repair with stock parts or rebuild the both springs with improvement?

If rebuilding what would you?

Thank You

09-21-2014, 18:06
Personally...I would replace both with whatever you think you need for the tasks that this truck will see. The M1031s that I used in the Marines typically saw some VERY heavy loads. Doubtful that you would load it to capacity with overloading your tires...
Hope this helps!

09-22-2014, 10:37
The first question is do you want to lift it and is so how high, if the answer is yes to the first you need to know the second to determine what springs you need.

10-02-2014, 19:17
I have two rear springs from my M1008 in good condition.