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View Full Version : How big of a deal is this?

03-03-2015, 19:31
Today it warmed up to the upper 50s and I was working on the engine off and on. At about 4 o'clock I put the bag back on the engine but did not tie it off with my strap like I normally do. So the bag is open but on the engine. Well I come back to the engine around 8:30 and there is a white film all over the engine. It's on the crankshaft, everywhere, on the rods, on the block, everywhere. I guess where it actually warmed up outside to warmer than inside the garage the humidity went up to 90% in the garage. Leaving the bag open allowed the humidity to get in and mix with the leftover oil on my engine. So I get my oil bottle and oil it up real good and tried wiping as much of the white film off as possible. Is this a big deal or am I over reacting?

03-04-2015, 04:30
Not really a big deal, you could use some WD40 and spray it everywhere, it will help disperse water...

If you are going to store it for a while wrapped in plastic you might consider getting a bucket of moisture sucking stuff -- forgot the name--- it is used in campers to collect moisture when being stored, wally world has it in the camping section, it will help a lot just wrap the block with the bucket in with it...

03-04-2015, 08:38
Thanks I will try that

03-04-2015, 09:33
Yes, a desiccant, such as Silaca-Gel, works well to keep the moisture in check. But, you almost have to hermetically seal it for it to fully work, as the stuff also grabs moisture from the surrounding air.