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08-22-2015, 07:56
anybody have a thought on this

New trialer weighs a little more than the old one.

Last week towing I was averaging 200-230 on the engine and 200-230 on the tranny. the fan comes on after 210+

should it be cooler than this?

Boost would go no higher than 20 pounds on the edge display


08-22-2015, 10:26
Recently we had another member with LLY and a similar problem, only a bit worse. Cooling stack was the problem. Just blasting it with high pressure wasn't enough. Cores needed to be R/R'd and cleaned thoroughly. 10 years of debris accumulation was packed in pretty tight between the cores. There's no easy way around it. R/R the cores, clean, and replace the thermostats if they aren't fresh.

08-22-2015, 22:25
https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipPyWGNL-enlUhVrMafB1V3TJzxXF7SHx1Sl8cbDv1L7g31l6XC26bIuUzq dA4aTXA?key=ejNXWGdyUzR1bzUwdFpkcExNdU1vVER1aURTQn pR

A family of starling had nested in between two coolers, as Gary put it... disassemble, clean, reassemble... problem solved.