View Full Version : Mahle Piston Rings vs. EngineTech Piston Rings

06-15-2016, 19:28
Someone actually told me that EngineTech is as good as Mahle, but when I research EngineTech, it comes back as a budget ring sold through RockAuto. Does anyone have any info on this?

I've always used Mahle Rings/Pistons and have always had good success.

Thanks in advance


06-15-2016, 21:24
I would not cheap out on Pistons on an engine build

06-16-2016, 07:06
Stick with a top trade name.

I bought the last couple sets I have used off ebay from US Govmnt surplus seller.
US GOV part numbers as well as GM ###

Great prices.

06-16-2016, 14:48
Someone recently told me that Mahle Rings come in an EngineTech box. This is why I'm asking.

06-17-2016, 07:59
Every set of Mahle rings I have ever bought came in a red and white box marked MAHLE

I have not heard any Smack called down on Engine tech parts

I would not sweat using a set.

Go with a "Moly" top ring (Not to be confused with Mahle-- brand name)

Chrome rings are fine, but need a slightly rougher surface to seat properly.

Moly rings need a very very smooth surface to seat and work correctly.

Good luck