View Full Version : biocide?

05-21-2004, 19:50
i remember years ago reading in an olds owners manual about occasionally running what i think they called biocide in the tank to kill microorganisms that grow in the fuel.my question is what is the worst they could do to the fuel and system.the reason i ask is my truck developed a surge and progressivly got worse.and its really weird as say i turn left it tends to somewhat surge and if i turn right it seems to kindof laydown.to me it acts like something floating around in the tank plugging the inlet pipe.i changed the filter and it cured the surge for about a week and its slowly coming back,i'm thinking of changing the filter again and see what happens.just wondering if these micro organisms could be causing my problems!

05-21-2004, 19:51
i should note this truck has right at 410,000 and i've had it for the last 70,000.

05-22-2004, 11:17
Hey Catmandoo, up here on the WET COAST we run biocide quite often. What happens up here is we get lots of condensation or just plain bad fuel, water gets into the tank and it creates a growth medium for the bugs (the interface layer where the water and fuel meet). You'll know if you have the little critters if your fuel filter looks like it is full of black slime, and they plug up really fast. I've had it where we couln't get a day out of some of the machines because the filters are full of slime. The biocide works really well, a few filters and a couple of tanks of fuel through the system to flush the critters out and your good as new.

05-22-2004, 19:46
hey thanks beegee thats what i think is happening as it slowly went to hell and after the filter change she ran the best it ever has and since then in the last 2 weeks it's going down hill again.