View Full Version : Cooling mod ?'s for John8862 or anyone

10-10-2005, 18:31
John8862, I did a search and found you once had some pics of your grinding on the alt. bracket for fitting the cooling upgrades of the dual stat crosover. But your link is dead. No longer around or something. I am almost complete, except for the grinding, Do you still have your pics for reference ?

Anyone feel free to contribute. My `95 is almost back on the road. :D :D :D

10-10-2005, 21:57

I know just the pictures you're looking for.

Unfortunatly, (typing this at 2am) my ISP is not allowing me to repost the content due to server problems. But, I'll see what I can do about uploading them in the morning...

P.S. Could you post the links to the threads that I had the links in, I want to make sure and match the link so that they'll work for future lookers..

Barry Nave
10-11-2005, 01:17
On my 95. All that was needed was to clearence the idller arm casting. Test fitting the crosser over will show you where the area needs to be ground. I was able to do this on a bench grinder.

10-11-2005, 04:15
The link I was trying to get to was : "http://members.cox.net.acmdsl/coolingmods/crossover/index.html"

If that doesn't work, let me know the new one or email me "brimcam@sfcn.org"

Thanks, BRIM