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View Full Version : PMD Resistor Information...

10-25-2005, 04:14

Just wanted to pass this along - I was talking to Bill Heath yesterday and he told me something I didn't know (as is usually the case :rolleyes: ). I was asking about #5 and #9 resistor - he told me that a #9 only increases fuel delivery up to about 1250 rpm; actually a #7 will increase fuel over the entire rpm band. Maybe most of you already knew this, but this totally surprised me so I thought I'd tell 'ya! smile.gif

10-25-2005, 05:15
I have serious doubts about the validity of that information.

10-25-2005, 06:16
You'd have to prove that one to me...

10-25-2005, 06:42
Am I going to have to put on my flak jacket?!?!?! ;) (you know, 'don't shoot the messenger' - ha ha)

Anyways, I just thought I'd share this information. Myself, I don't know - but Bill seemed pretty sure. I sure as heck wouldn't disagree with what he says as he is very knowledgeable. But then, there are a bunch of other very knowledgeable gentlemen on this forum, as well. I'll let it up to those people that have experience (maybe some hard data?) to tell us.

10-25-2005, 07:59
I've heard this claim before, but find it hard to believe that there would be some form of logic code that recomputed the fuel curve yet was not in publication anywhere. The resistor serves asimple function outlined in detail on my site