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View Full Version : Jumping ship

06-11-2005, 15:08
6.5 Blazer got to 180,000.

Wiring issues got ahead of me and I couldn't find the culprit to cause it to shut off at highway speeds. (New FSD (btdt), pump checked out, all grounds checked and cleaned, couldn't find fray in harness, not the ignition switch). The beast would die hitting a pothole, certain frequency of washboard, and just for kicks, it had a "bump" or fishbiting issue that would create enough of a jolt that would effect the loose connection. Road construction all over the place and not a great place to loose power.

Pitched it off on the local Car-Max and I thank goodness that it didn't shut down on the appraiser. I thought about listing it here, but I was worried about the liability (others primarily, not the other GMers.)

I wouldn't even let my wife drive it since I've owned it because it just wasn't safe. If it weren't for this problem, it would be another. I don't need to go into GM's problems at large here.

Thanks for all the help with the issues I could manage. One thing I've always said, "Dieselpage helps me diagnose my problem so I can tell my mechanic what to do." Great resource, but I'm out.

Thanks again,
David Hart

[ 06-14-2005, 03:30 PM: Message edited by: DaveHart ]

06-12-2005, 03:21
Its certainly a love/hate relationship we have here with our 'challenged' trucks.

Good luck - what will you drive next?

06-12-2005, 06:13
I've got a little Nissan pickup I've (had to) keep around as a "spare" vehicle. I'll putter around in it for a while, but both vehicles will probably morph into a Sport Trac or something similar.

I no longer need the towing capacity I had in the diesel and still need the truck bed I have in the Nissan.

06-12-2005, 09:02
so you are finally giving up. You held on as long as you could.

I was going to call you to see if you wanted to meet at the hwy 14 exit on I-85 to fill up with the new "Willie Nelson Biodiesel". Greenville, SC now has the only WN Biodiesel on the eastern seaboard!! :D

:mad: I am ticked that i didn't know about him being here last week for the grand announcement/ribbon cutting at the Spinx station there. they put the first tankload into his tour bus. I will probably go get a tank load soon.

06-12-2005, 13:09
I saw that. I think they are selling B20.

With the way the beast was behaving, I didn't want to temp fate. Hell, it might have run better on biodiesel. Mixing a little soybean oil or even refined waste cooking oil always sounds good.

I know the beast liked french fries! I always found a few under the seat when I cleaned. I know I didn't put them there *smirk*.