View Full Version : Two Safety Questions

11-04-2005, 06:45
1) Barn door windows get dirty fast especially in slushy conditions. Any way to mount windshield wipers of some sort? Realize it will take wiring and drilling, etc. but don't want to be a pioneer!
2) Miatas etc. in LA are b-a-d news as they zip around and can't always be seen in mirrors. Besides the classic trucker sign, any other ideas on how to have better rear mirror vision? Much TIA for any help.

11-04-2005, 08:24
#1 Older station wagons had a deflector on the luggage rack that blew air across the rear window. It worked pretty well, but at an increase in fuel use and "ugliness".

#2 A small convex mirror (peeper) avalable at any truckstop will greatly improve your feild of vision with the mirrors. Alternativly, after crunching one miata up like an old beer can, leave the wreckage in place stuffed up in the wheel well as a warning to the others. :D


11-04-2005, 13:14
Don't crunch Miatas; that is what I drive since diesel went over $3.00 a gallon!

11-05-2005, 03:10
There is an aftermarket 2 piece rear deflector for your burb, rain-x can help too, then there is that little doodad used on RV's that stick to rear window so you can see even a child down by bumper.

11-05-2005, 06:25

Re your rear window wiper question, here is a site I found that has all sorts of accessories and specifically kits for rear cap windows. Use the first pull-down lookup table and search "cap rear door wipers".


As for the rear window vision, my father-in-law has a rear window "magnifier" which sticks on the glass. It is about 10" x 10" and gives you all round vision. Don't know where he got it, he has had if for years, but if you check around the site above you might also find something (I looked briefly but didn't see anything).

Good luck...

11-05-2005, 17:50
You can find those rear window "magnifiers" at most RV parts stores.


11-06-2005, 02:20
Another place to search is marine supply for they have wiper motor setups to go through thick panels, in your case doors.

11-06-2005, 19:58
Q1: no good solution.
Q2: Clik and Clak the Tappet brothers suggest adjusting your rearview mirrors so you have to move your head to see the back end of the truck. You already know where that is and don't need it using up space in your mirrors. The driver's side mirror sees everything to the left of your backside, the middle mirror sees the middle, and the passenger side sees the right side of what's behind you. You can safely get rid of any "mirror overlap", reduce blind spots, greatly increase your field of vision, and have the option to avoid those pesky miatas (as well as those of us who love to play on two wheels).