View Full Version : Cracked 6.2 GRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!

02-05-2006, 10:05
:( I use an old 1984 Sub for a work truck. I needed to replace the waterpump, so I thought I'd replace the timing chain while I was that close, which lead to the timing chain "rant" below.

After I got the front all buttoned up, I thought I'd drop the pan, and replace the rear main seal that has been leaking for a while.

After I dropped the pan, I thought I'd look at the main bearing webs, to see of there were any visible cracks.

Much to my surprise, the middle three main webs have HORRIBLE cracks, several on both sides.

Since I have the front end all together, I guess I'll just put the seal in, put the pan back up, and "run 'er 'till she blows'!

(I have no idea of the history of the engine, or how many miles on it, but I suspect it is not the original engine.)


02-05-2006, 14:01
Hang in there Bob. I've seen a few engines keep going like that for what seemed forever. smile.gif