View Full Version : Storing truck while in Iraq

06-30-2005, 15:00

Once again I have been recalled to active duty and get to goto Iraq and club baby seals.

I need any and all infomation for storing a truck while away for 1-2 years. I live in the mountains of New Mexico so it is a very dry area.

I also dont want the mice to move in or to have any of the other issues from storage.


06-30-2005, 16:10
I would look into putting a few tank fulls with fuel additive to remove any water, staybil is also good for diesel fuel...... stock up on rodent bait, make sure to put the AC controls on recurk to close the out side air door. My moms car had mice die in the heater box! I would also get the tires off the ground and the frame up on blocks of wood, keep the sun light off the tires (cover them) , car cover to stop paint fade on one side ... WD-40 every thing , Exhaust, motor, lower body panels , E brake cables.... store it inside if poss....Wish you the best of luck to you and your buddies while your over there! Thank you for serving in the millitary!

06-30-2005, 17:06
Just want to thank you for your service. wish you luck and hope you return safe.
I am a Viet Nam vet and was wounded three times
so this is coming from the heart.

As for storing the truck all of the above advice sounds good. I would also put moth balls all around and under the truck to help ward off critters, you could have someone replace them with new about once a month.

07-01-2005, 04:11
Thank you for preserving our freedom's to work and play in this great country we share.

Jim Brzozowski
07-01-2005, 08:37
Hey man thanks for serving, I really mean that. When I went to basic trainning, I left my Corvette with my brother-in-law, with specific instructions on how to and how not to drive it. Unfortunately he lugged it around too much, built up carbon and it had a burnt valve when I came back home, but everything worked, nothing rotted, no rodents. Do you have some family, someone you really trust to drive it every so often to keep things working, if not all the advice given so far sounds good. Its dry enough there, moisture won't be a problem, but the sun will be if outside. Batteries will be a problem. If it has to sit. I'd block it up on the frame and take the load off the suspension and like someone mentioned WD-40 everything underneath. Still think finding someone else to take care of it until you return might be the best, otherwise sell it and put the money in savings so you can buy a new one when you return.

07-04-2005, 15:05
It will be in a garage here. I do have someone that can come start it up every now and again.

I was thinking of just removing the Batt's and putting it up on blocks. Lot's "O" moth balls and plugging the exaust and such.

Thanks for all of your help.
I stored my 93 Yukon while I was deployed in the 90's and it was OK. I stored it in Honolulu so there was a small rust problem. I still had over 300K on it when I sold it.


07-04-2005, 22:12

Leave it with me at the farm in E. Texas. I'll keep it washed and rotate the tires:)

Whar 'bouts you going? I breeze through Balad and Baghdad occasionally.


07-05-2005, 09:57
I to would like to give you my thanks for serving us. You and your brothers in arms are my heros. I pray everyday that our folks that protect us in every corner of the world will be protected. May the Spirit of the Lord be with you all and protect you.

07-05-2005, 12:12
I always thought that one should try a piece of tin between tire and blocks (about 3" larger in diameter)with the edges turned down slightly for mice control as I can't think of anything worse than mice in cab,the mess and smell is atrocious.

07-05-2005, 18:35
the only trouble with that is that mice can jump from solid ground up to about 2 feet.

Should I leave the tank full or empty???

Should I seal the truck or leave the windows cracked???

And such


07-10-2005, 12:10
Thank you for your service to our great country. God bless you and your unit.- Godspeed

07-10-2005, 12:30
Thanks for all your support,
Your all welcome to send chow and stuff when I get an address...

For now I need storage info. Like were to find a leggy redhead to help me take it out of storage :D


More Power
07-10-2005, 18:10
Trent, I echo the above regarding your serving in the military. God Speed!

I kept six gallons of diesel fuel in a new jug for more than 2 years before using it. It was fine when I needed it. Fill your fuel tank before leaving it, this minimizes the amount of air/moisture that can interact with the fuel.

I'd change the engine oil just before leaving.

Remove the batteries and have someone trickle-charge them every couple or three months.

Get the tires off the ground.

Once you return, open the air box to check for rodent activity.

Good luck,


07-10-2005, 18:58
thanks you for your support, mark45678, JimEd, 57CHEV, SoTxPollock, MaxACL, Inspector, mhagie, CRUZILLA and More Power; sometomes you wonder if anyone likes the Army. You guys are getting me misty, now stop it.

All of the information that I have been given by y'all has been really usefull. I will try to use it all.

Now just were to find the redhead.... :confused:

Thank you for your help
