View Full Version : Stupid Question, but someone has to ask.

05-01-2002, 16:41
Looked around and didn't find the answer anywhere. I think I know, but always better to get an answer here rather than anywhere else as I trust you guys more than my dealer.

OK so how many qts. of oil are you putting in when you do an oil change?????? See, I told you it was stupid. The owners manual says 10 qts, but when I put 10 qt's in the dipstick is not up to the top. It's down on the second notch from the bottom of the in range portion. When I put 11 qts. in, the dipstick reads full or at top of the range. I am assuming you have to add a qt for the filter, but the manual does not mention that. Just curious so next time I can do it right or the same. LOL

Talk about basic stuff.......maybe i will delete this post before you all think I am an id...opps

05-01-2002, 16:55
When i filled mine up (using an Amsion SDF filter) and amsion 15w-40 diesel oil it took exactly 10 quarts..i put the who jug in, and it measures perfect on the read. i didn't pre-fil the filter or anything like that..

05-01-2002, 16:56

I always put ten QT'S in........Full...Are you sure you are on level ground? Do you start let it idle,then recheck? I would fill it ten QT's then recheck in the mourning before starting.......Hay any OJ sightings in Brentwood?Is he still looking for Nicole's killer..LAMO

[ 05-01-2002: Message edited by: mackin ]</p>

05-01-2002, 16:56
10 usually puts me right no the spot. i prime the filter first and then add the other 9+ quarts. Kinda tough to say what you should do. If you dont have oil spilling out everywhere, then add teh 11th quart but odds are that your dipstick is off.

05-01-2002, 17:16
Hey, we are the other Brentwood and on the City limit sign it says" No White Bronco's Allowed" LOL
How's that for politically correct!!!!!

OK, guess I may be over filling the sucker. I changed it, put 10 qts. in and ran the truck a few minutes, then pulled it out to level ground on the street. Checked the dipstick 5 times over 1 hour ( I was thinking all the oil was up in the head and had to drain down) never got above the second notch on the dipstick. So I added 1 more qt. and it is right up to the top notch now.

Strange, but true and that's why I asked. I am going to check it hot and see where the level is. just to clarify I am talking about those 4-5 notches on the dipstick, that so called "in-range" part. I have mine all the way up to the top notch on the in range portion.

Thanks for the feedback I knew I could count on you guys. Dealer has been doing the first 4 changes and now it's my turn to screw it up LOL


05-01-2002, 17:41
I just had my oil change done at the dealer today and they put 9.5 quarts in. I wonder if there is a possibility that some of the dip sticks are of slightly different lengths???? Just a thought. I have noticed that annoying ticking sound though, never had it before, but since the oil change today, its there. Bummer. There has got to be a reason for it, not that "its just part of the truck" as GM says.

05-01-2002, 20:28
I put 10 quarts in mine, start it, run it to temp,
let it set 5 minutes on level ground and check. I'm right on the top of the dipstick every time.


05-01-2002, 21:30
For cryin out loud,
And to think you questioned my oil filling expertise HAHAHAHAHAHAHA...
Consensus has it....10QTS....Pre-Fill the filter...
You know maybe it is the altitude that is affecting your dipstick and the reading is off....LOL

Joe Pool
05-01-2002, 21:53

It may sound dumb, but make sure you are seating the dipstick fully when you check the level. If you aren't it could account for the low reading.


05-01-2002, 21:57
10 quarts, reads right at the top mark every time- provided I check it with the truck in my shop, which has a level floor.....

Tim B
05-01-2002, 23:10
Why don't you go back to your dealer and ask to try a dipstick from another D-Max sitting on his lot ? This might indicate if your dipstick is off. As someone else said, make sure it's pressed in all the way.

Tim B.

05-01-2002, 23:42
OK OK OK, I give up. 10 it is from now on regardless of what the dipstick says. I can't explain it and that's why I asked. The dipstick is shoved all the way in each time I checked.

The only thing I can say is I changed it cold after sitting all night. Never started it up, just jacked it up and pulled the plug. Maybe everything drained all the way back down into the pan overnight. The crankcase is big and 1 qt. is not a big deal on this sucker. Right now it reads at the top of the "In Range" so It has to be OK. I don't think they make different dipsticks, so that's not the problem. When I figure this out I will let you know, maybe I will change it again early and see how many qt's I get out on the drain LOL.

And Jeff I didn't doubt your help, just can't explain this extra quart thing. Next time I change the oil I will get you to come by and we can explore the mystery together LOL

Thanks to everyone for the help.

05-02-2002, 13:16
When I did my first oil change, I had no clue how many quarts it took. When I went to buy the oil at the local auto parts store I was too proud to ask (didn't wanna look stupid) so I just bought what I thought it would take. Guess what? I ended up having to borrow a car, try to wipe off as much dirt and oil from myself and go back to the store to be able to finish my oil change because I ran out of oil. Sometimes it's just better to ask! Good for you. More smart questions like yours should be posted.

05-02-2002, 13:17
When I did my first oil change, I had no clue how many quarts it took. When I went to buy the oil at the local auto parts store I was too proud to ask (didn't wanna look stupid) so I just bought what I thought it would take. Guess what? I ended up having to borrow a car, try to wipe off as much dirt and oil from myself and go back to the store to be able to finish my oil change because I ran out of oil. Sometimes it's just better to ask! Good for you. More smart questions like yours should be posted.

05-02-2002, 20:16
It takes ten quarts to hit the full mark on my truck as well. But my minivan read 1qt low when I first filled it to spec. Turned out the dipstick was shorter than normal. Checking against another truck dipstick sounds like a good idea. Also the tube could be longer than normal.

05-03-2002, 08:30
Just to clarify your post Cowboy_120, up here in Canada the Dmax holds 9.5 LITRES while the US vehicles take 10 QUARTS. I buy my oil in 10 litre jugs, dump in most of it, pour half a litre into a one litre bottle to save for adding later and then drain the rest of the jug into the truck. After I'm done, I pour the old oil into the jug and I cap it to use for other things. Works well and I don't have a pile of little bottles to throw away.
:D :D :D

05-03-2002, 08:36
Be sure you are on level ground.

Fire Ball
05-03-2002, 13:11
Me too, After a oil change "and on level ground" the reading is in-between the two marks. I could be one of two reasons, the length of the dipstick tube or the length of the dipstick it self. Or one other cause, the dipstick tube may not be fully seated into position. All parts and installation process have a +/- tolerance. It would seem we got the short end of the dip'stick'.