View Full Version : hot juice problems

king D
02-21-2003, 20:18
i recently purchased a hot juice to run some test between the juice and a Quadzilla power chip.a lot of the members seem to love the juice and as i have a qz chip i wanted to see which chip was the best.i will post my findings when im done with all my test.i will say this when the juice gets into the right mode it is quit impressive.i am having trouble shifting power levels.however the biggest problem is that for some reason some times the truck just want start.all the pins are out just fine.if you leave the truck a lone for a few minutes or unplug the juice it will start right up.just a note the juice does give off about 150 to 200 more egts.maybe thats why they call it hot juice.also i am not trying to bash the juice just stating problems that i am haveing and wondering if others are haveing similar problems.once agian when the chip works it is really great but at a glance reliability just plainout sucks.jess

02-21-2003, 20:32
Hey Quad or I mean King D. If you would take the time to spell some of the words right your bashing might gain a little bit of credability. But I do agree with you the Van Aaken box is a very good product.

02-21-2003, 21:51
hey jess
make sure you cycle the tow haul switch several times after changing a power level.......as for the inability to crank I have not noticed.......I do think the truck turns over more before cranking when its under the influence of the juice..........hey cpm give him a break. He is truly interested in finding some serious hp and willing to give it all a try.... :D dave

02-21-2003, 21:57
Yeah I didn't mean to be hard on him I just hate to see someone post negatively about something they have had for a short time. Give it a fair trial then make sure your complaints aren't self inflicted then if you still have problems tell everyone.

king D
02-22-2003, 06:58
cpm first off sorry for the spelling mistakes it has never been my strong suite,haveing said that let me say in another way that i am impressed with the juice however i am haveing a few problems with it.dave i called edge and they said sometimes things like this happen and they just dont know why,they said send it back and they would send me another one.i told them what i was doing and they asked for me to get back with them on my test results when im done.hey also cpm did you ever get a 140-150 version of the van aaken,if not i have one on the way here and i will let you know how it works out,this 180 is just to hot and smokes my tranny so im dropping back until a bullet proof tranny is released.but once again the edge product gives off great performance im just a little down on the working right now.

02-22-2003, 09:00
Why don't you try contacting the party from which you purchased the unit???

02-22-2003, 10:35
King D-
Shame on you for not remembering the First Commandment of the site's Duramax Power Bible:

"Thou shalt not make negative comments against the all-holy Juice". tongue.gif :D

For the sake of future postings, if I purchase a product and it causes an occasional no-start issue, how long must I own the product or how many replacements must I obtain before being allowed to post my negative comments without it being considered "bashing"? :rolleyes:

One last thing... the correct spelling of credibility is not "credability". ;)

02-22-2003, 10:45
Well maybe I'm the only one that is seeing what is going on but King D is either Quad or on his payroll. I got an email from quad yesterday telling me he just dyno compared his box to the hot juice and made the same comments. I do believe the juice isn't the only option but if you improperly connect any box the pins could lose contact so the problem might not be juice related. All i'm saying is even though i'm on his side and realize the high hp van aaken box makes more power that the hot juice you shouldn't use the tactics he is to promote it.

02-22-2003, 11:02
in his one of his post he posted his telephone # his name is jess and he seems to be a nice guy(I called).......search back cpm get his number and give him a call :confused: dave

02-22-2003, 11:18

king D
02-22-2003, 13:51
CPMac632 dude just how dang hard headed are you.i said the juice gave great performance but i was haveing problems with it.it is not a pin problem i have ran edge products in the past and i know the drill.i did contact edge on friday and will be sending it back to them on monday to check it out.i hope this helps but i doubt it will b/c i said this all before and i guess my misspelled words kept you from understanding the post.sorry ill try to keep it to single syllables from know on so you can process it better and if this doesnt help you come to north carolina and see me and im sure we can work it out

02-22-2003, 15:08
Kool, getting hot in here, think I'll jump right in ! CPMac, you of all people know that the Juice is not even in the same league as the VA ! Want me to ship you my Juice ? Na, I can't, I can still sell it as new cuz it's still in the box....Yes, I'm selling the all-holy Juice, should I be banned from the site or have my finger nails removed with pliers ? I say all of the above....King D, Dude, you got way to much money on your hands, and, IMO you have also been smoking some pretty good $hit ! Hmmmm, 125hp Juice, 185hp Quadbox, I gotta ask, what the hell is there to compare ? It would have cost you about 3 bucks to call me to get that answer ! Sorry Jess, I just had too....I sitll got your number, I'll give you a landline. In the meantime stop falling down and hitting your head ! lol... :cool:

king D
02-22-2003, 16:17
Toddster no there is no comp in the hot juice and the qz180 however there is a question of 90 hp settings that i wanted answered.i dont have that much cash just wanted to see which is better,in all aspects.please do call or shoot me your number i want to know how you like that box.

02-22-2003, 20:22
I'm pretty hard headed yes. I don't like to see any product judged too quickly on a forum like this. Lots of people take this info way to seriously and if the problem wasn't tracked down it could turn several people off because of a bad diagnosis. I watched your posts and have received email from quad and I realize you have a lot of the same information and I disagree with quad's selling techniques and therefore associated you (my bad). I also agree that the hot juice could be compared to the lower setting for a more fair evaluation, it seems to me quad is rating his boxes different but Todd could give the best comparison of a 110 van aaken and the hot juice.

02-22-2003, 22:34

First off, Jess does not work for me, has never been payed by me, heck I have never even met the guy other than over the telephone. I just want to clear that up, we are 2000 miles apart and he is in no way associated with me, other than he is a good customer!

Second thing, you said you don't like my sales techniques? Correct me if I am wrong, but I don't believe I have ever stated our website or our phone number on any of the Chevy sites? Likewise I am fairly sure that if I had I would have been banned?

The only time I even feel the need to post on this site seems to be when I need to defend myself. That is sad.

Secondly, the only reason I ever messaged you, (which was not done on this site) was because you called me out. You said you wanted soemthing between 180hp and 110hp. I came up with it, told you I would like to send you one and let you dyno it. You never responded. When I got time and the right customer, we dynoed it vs. a "hot" juice. I e-mailed you the results. Was this wrong? Did I ever give you a price? Did I ever try to get you to call me or anything of the sort? I never postd it on any forum. Heck I have never even bad mouthed any of the competition. You asked, I made it, you left me standing there like I had done something for nothing.

Jess has transmission problems with the high hp programs (like everone else, and exactly as I told him he would) but he thought by now someone would have a tranny fix, well they don't. He called me and told me he bought a "hot" juice and wanted to comapair, I told him great! While on the phone we decide to test a lower hp level against it (the reason he has one in the mail). It is the same thing you asked for, it should be similar to the "hot" juice and won't slip the tranny so he can compare them. There is no point in comparing a 110hp box to a 125hp box is there? We know the "hot" juice will out drag race the 110hp boxes. I don't think he should be crucified because of it.

You said give products some time before you make comments on it(I agree with you). I see poeple on here plug something in run down the block with it and jump on the computer screaming about how great it is, and I completely understand how they feel, but should you jump all over them as well? Or is it ok as long as it is good news? I agree loose pins could happen to anyone and they are easy to fix, but I don't think that is his problem. When you drive somewhere, park your truck, get back in and it won't start what would you make of it? If these products were $100 you might understand, but they aren't.

I don't know what you have against me, but it would be nice to know. I have to get off her to go back to work.

Sorry for the lengthy post everyone, but sometimes geezzzzzz, Nevermind.


02-22-2003, 22:50
Okay CP,I've been watching this dialogue and Quad makes a good point.What is your response? tongue.gif

02-22-2003, 22:51
Quad, I am new here and have never thought you seemed to be self promoting anymore than anyone else. I think I have read all your posts also, you seem very straight forward and honest.

02-23-2003, 03:23

Its' "credibility", not credability.


My stock DMax will smoke your super van boxed truck anytime. If you don't believe me then let's meet up at the 7-11 by the canal near I-4 in half an hour.

If you're not there I will consider you agree with this statement.

Now you're probably gonna fall back on that ol' "It's 1300 miles away excuse right"?


king D
02-23-2003, 06:09
CPMac now we are getting tp a point were we are starting to understand one another or ar least ... i do want to talk to toddster because i would like to know how he likes the box compared to the juice.now i ask you why do you feel Quadzilla rates his boxes differently than van aaken.i have gtech dynoed(mine stays in the truck)the 90 hp setting to give over 90 hp and really over 400hp on the high side.please explain how or why you feel the way you do.are you saying that Quadzilla rates to much power on his chips ext...
this fighting is senseless and i admit i get fed up from time to time myself.i believe we are all looking for the same thing here anyway.and as far as putting the juice down i stated on another board that 90 to 90 the juice is slightly faster on my test.now also consider these test were done on diff days with diff conditions.when i get my qz back i am going to run my 0-60s and 1/4 and to my 28 foot enclosed car trailer for egts for each chip on the same day and post my findings.jess

02-23-2003, 07:38
Trace pal, I accept the challenge including the half hour thing under one condition, as long as what is attached to that V-Twin is there to throw the green flag ! D, I will get hold of you....Don't even think about calling me during the race ! ;)

[ 02-23-2003: Message edited by: Toddster ]</p>

02-23-2003, 08:51
I have always said that I believe in the products quad sells and he does a good job handling and helping the customer. But he claims to be able to custom program these new van aaken boxes and that is where I differ. He can change the program in them to the best available for the customer but he cannot write any custom program like his statement lead people to believe. I just happen to know he can't change all the options and it upsets me that most people could think they are getting a custom piece and it is just one of the available programs. Other than that I think he is great.King D I think he rates them very conservativly not on the high side, I should have made that clear.

[ 02-23-2003: Message edited by: CPMac632 ]</p>

king D
02-23-2003, 11:51
CPMac i would like to talk to you on a land line please shoot me your number and a good time to call.thanks jess

02-23-2003, 12:24
Craig McElfresh 816-262-4768 cell.

02-24-2003, 06:45
Todd- She wants to drive. :D