View Full Version : Predator marketing and RWTD

02-22-2003, 13:54
I was wandering off in the other post, so I started a new thread to get this off my chest. The OBD-II reader part of the Predator is cool, but not worth $600.

For someone wanting to read/reset codes, you can get a serial port adapter for a laptop and log it all for under $200, probably a lot less. If Edge had gone with a dash mounted module with on-the-fly switch settings, all of the 6 speed owners would have been happy too, and we'd be able to switch power levels while driving down the road.
So $600 for a Juice with 90 hp and $100-200 more to read OBD-II parameters. Or $900 for 120hp and $100-200 for OBD-II.

The one feature I thought was intrigueing about the Predator was the speedometer correction, but it's not avail yet. It does work on 6 speed trucks, which is a plus.

James, please don't take this as product bashing or a personal attack. People who've spoken to you swear you're a really nice guy and I believe them. The one thing I will say is that the majority of your posts read more like advertising than technical answers to hard questions. As unfair as it may be, you're a vendor here, and people are gonna kinda compare you to and hold you up to the standards set by other vendors on this board.

Be honest now, read some of JKs posts. If not for his sig, you'd swear he was just a diesel fanatic who'd bought one of everything and tried it out for himself, towing and on the dyno. He shares his info about products he doesn't even sell. He'll tell you the hard truth, even if it means no sale. He doesn't say, "You're gonna love it! I swear it's the best!" He sticks to hard numbers, technical pros and cons. He doesn't sell only one product, he stocks a wide variety, because everyone is looking for something different. In my case the Juice and an OBD-II adapter happens to work for me.

If we could please see a little more hard data and a little less marketing (and we all know it's easy to be enthusiastic about a product you feel is great) perhaps you'd have caught a little less grief from some of our more outspoken members. (Mack looks around... who, me? with a look of utter innocence.LOL :D )

So if DS adds all of the missing features in the future and allow user editable tables (like LS1edit), I just might be interested in one of these...

Regards, Steve

02-22-2003, 14:23
Interesting point. I have talked to James acouple times, he is very nice and very apolegetic when my unit didn't work, he immediately tried to overnite me another unit but no ups on saturday in my area. These posts really make me want to see a dyno sheet on the unit, especially since it seem the juice will for sure out perform it. I really wanted the unit to get rid of the speed limiter which it still does, but I want the power that was advertised also. Maybe I should just have them send me a juice set to 90 hp and have at it, i don't really tow anything anyway. I do have a friend who has an auto duramax to change the levels on but that is really a pain in the azz to have to do. Guess I will wait till monday and test for myself. :cool:

More Power
02-22-2003, 15:10
For all those who aren't a vendor and might not know how vendor interaction is encouraged here in TDP, I thought it might be a good time to share some of that info with you.

Those of you who were here three years ago when the BB first went online, know that a few vendors needed some coaching to be able to participate on a commercial level. Those early forum vendors were too commercial, and over time, we (working together) developed a set of guidelines that work best for everyone (TDP, members and vendors).

Vendor participation guidelines include:

1- Vendors are asked not to begin new topic threads. This was agreed on to help limit the "commercial" aspect of vendor participation.

2- Vendors are asked not to compete in the same forum thread. This reduces the tension between competing vendors and helps create more civility in the board. We all learned from experience on this one.

3- Vendors are asked not to appear overly commercial, but rather participate on an informational level. In time, most vendors learn that to do well, offering good solid information will build credibility, confidence and loyalty among their customers.

Only vendors that satisfy their customers can participate here. I think RWTD will become a valued addition to the BB, and will offer more diversity to the vendor list. I know that RW's composure and demeaner are first-rate.


[ 02-22-2003: Message edited by: More Power ]</p>

02-22-2003, 15:25

:D :D :D

It's a shame we are so far apart ,only in the eloquent way we get our point across, and as with this land mass we inhabit.....

MAC smile.gif

02-22-2003, 16:16
You should add-

4- Vendors are asked not to introduce, sensationalize, exaggerate, exemplify, or otherwise boisterously promote or aggressively seek to promote any problem, potential problem, issue, remedy, product, or scenario that would result in the conclusion that any item or service they provide is beneficial to any consumer without providing supportive data that has been independently corroborated; except in paid advertising which is acceptable and otherwise federally regulated. It is the DP's desire and requirement that the consumer should be allowed to draw their own conclusions based on data independently corroborated before being provided by the vendor.

Sorry, I deal with way too much legal language every day.

Let the fecal matter contact the air moving device.

I had the armor shipped in on loan.

02-22-2003, 18:24
OOOOOH STEVE GOT MOREPOWER ON HIS THREAD ITS NOT FAIR.......Great post steve..........may be you should become the next presidental canidate from cali.........and use mack for sec. of defense........I might be interested in cabinet level post in charge of vice and social issues...."sandbuggy and a dmax in every americans garage"...........james listen to steve......... :D dave

02-22-2003, 20:04
Guys, I agree there was a lot of over advertising on this site for the release date, and specifications which were not met. And no I would not buy it at 600.00 for the OBD-II tool alone. The reason the general public wants it is for the power upgrades and adaptability to the Duramax truck. If it works more than two weeks I will be very happy. I have tried the Maximizer, the Edge, The VanAkeen box. Not one of them performed properly on my truck. Max had a fuel leak at two weeks after towing 800 miles, one common rail replaced. Edge would not confirm and had timing spikes even after 2 boxes tried. Van had a second fuel leak which lead to a second common rail replacement. I did not run around posting all these problems. Now I am on my last straw for a power package that works period, without problems. The price is right , the power is right, now is the longevity right. Only time will tell. The release was late, but so is everything else for the Duramax. What's new. Lets give it a little time to materialize on the last couple of functions before we go on the war path. I am sure the technicians are going nuts to make all three years work in harmony on one box. They probably should have separated the programmer into two separate units by year, instead of incorporating all functions on one unit. Do not take this personal as it is just my .02 cents worth, if I have that much left.

02-22-2003, 22:16
Everyone, I completely agree! I will do better in taking the commercial look and feel out my posts. For starters, I have removed the "Buy it now" out of my signature, and I have been engaging and responding to posts not pertaining to a particular product (I've even done so without including my signature).

You all are great people to converse with, and I really enjoy all the detailed and technical posts that so many of you all endulge in, not to mention the great humor you all have and share. I am an enthusiast like many of you all are, and can't wait till the end of the days and weekends, so I too can go out and enjoy our hobbies.

Okay, it's past my initial bedtime (does anyone ever go to bed at the exact same time every night besides my school teacher sister? lol), and I think I'm gonna go pig out, crash on the bed, and watch some tube. I've got some Mardi Gras parades to hit tomorrow (I'm in Mobile, the original inventor of it!).

Eveyrone, have a good night and the rest of a great weekend!

02-22-2003, 22:21
Anyone got an extra 900 bucks I can have so I can buy a juice box so i can have both? More toys=good times. James you are an alright dude, dyno sheets please.

02-23-2003, 03:02

Mobile is in fact the origin of Mardi-Gras. Many people don't know this. Enjoy and watch out for the beautiful women with adams apples. :D

02-23-2003, 23:04
&gt; Enjoy and watch out for the beautiful women
&gt; with adams apples.

DOH! You're telling me! You know, it's MUCH worse in Nawlins (that's New Orleans for those that aren't educated in Southern dialect), but Mobile still has its fair share of "beautiful woMEN". (heheh)

02-24-2003, 01:47
Quote:" Enjoy and watch out for the beautiful women with adams apples. :D "

Doh!! Now THAT was a visual I could do without! Always do a package check, I guess. :eek:

James, I am certainly glad you're here, please keep us posted on new updates!

Regards, Steve