View Full Version : I don't Understand Racor's Thoughts

Bush Pilot
02-24-2003, 00:45
I just re-read the article at the Members Area on the the Racor filter install. Now Racor has added to the post or asked to have additional information added, that they plan to come out with a add on filter system but in the 10 micro range. If the goal is to filter down to the 2 micro range what good will it do? :confused:

02-24-2003, 05:48
I was wondering the same thing. Anyone understand this logic?? Less is more?

02-24-2003, 05:55
The proper way to filter down to a nominal reading(2 microns) would be to filter out the
bigger stuff first. That way the buffer filter(secondary) would only have to deal with the smaller stuff. This would definately add to longevity and reliability. It also happens to be what I'm going to do as soon as my truck gets here.

02-24-2003, 06:35
Right on Ratdog, I never understood their thinking in sending the crud to a polish filter. Just didn't make sense.

GM Smitty
02-24-2003, 08:01
I agree with 10 micron first, then 2 micron....problem is the OEM is NOT doing the job it's supposed to be doing. Have to add a 2 micron somewhere in the system, and many are choosing to mount under the frame by the fuel cooler for easier maintenance (as opposed to crammed in the engine compartment), and to avoid certain warranty issues by placing it after the OEM.

02-24-2003, 08:42
KOMPRESSORMAN: it's ratDOC as in DOCTOR....thankyou.

GM Smitty: probably the reason the stock filters are doing so poor is because they're being overloaded trying to get the entire job done.

02-24-2003, 09:27
Yeah, what Ratdog said! :D

For starters, the factory unit is being overwhelmed, but in reality, I really don't see how the small size of the factory unit can be 2 micron rated as you would think that it would plug up quickly.

The "lazier" the flow through a filter, the better a job it can do...

02-24-2003, 09:48
Don't make me fly out to Wisconson John!! :D :D