View Full Version : Lunge or Surge during stop and go

10-18-2004, 11:15
I know this has been discussed before, but I was unable to find a definite answer. I have a 2003 model and have a problem from time to time with it lunging forward or surging forward when I accelerate and abruptly come off the accelerator. Like in stop and go traffic. As it comes back to idle speed, it will surge or lunge as if someone hit me from the rear or like you would

More Power
10-18-2004, 12:09
You may need to check to see whether any ECM/TCM updates have been issued for your vehicle that might correct for certain driveability issues.

Your can visit the Vehicle Calibration Information (http://vci.ecomm.gm.com/vci/) page to obtain the latest electronic controller calibration information for your vehicle by entering the vehicle's 17 character Vehicle Identification Number (VIN).

Alternately, your experience is similar to mine if I "two-foot" the brake pedal and accelerator at the same time. This was a habit of mine that I had to break.


10-18-2004, 13:13
Thanks, I will do as you advise and let you know how it works out.

Thanks again for you help

10-18-2004, 13:24
Ok, I think I'm in over my head. What do I do with these codes? Is this something the dealer will have to confirm for me? I asked them at the dealership when last in (last week) and they advised there were no updates that I had the latest programming.

10-18-2004, 14:47
For what it is worth, I had my 2004 LLY updated with the lastest calibration, the truck does seem to run better but still surges, both at stop and go. It is rather annoying. :rolleyes: I will try to talk to the dealer about this problem, but do not expect much help.

10-19-2004, 16:57
There is supposed to be a TBS on this problem. I took my truck to the dealer (Jim Curley GMC) and they told me it has become a problem with some trucks. Its a valve/sensor ?? something to do with fuel pressure regulator. Anyway it took two days to finish. Truck runs great now. smile.gif

More Power
10-20-2004, 09:50

Print out the calibration updates for your VIN, then check whether any are annotated that address a driveability issue similar to what you're experiencing. If so, take that printout to your dealer and ask that the newest controller calibration updates be installed.

When visiting your GM service center, indicate to the service writer that you have a driveability concern, and believe an update could correct it. Your GM dealer will then update your ECM/TCM for you.