View Full Version : Injector failure???

05-07-2002, 16:37
Has anyone experienced an injector failure or have any of you mechanics replaced an injector yet. The Duramaximizer tech rep seems to think that is why truck misses when I use the box. He said that the injector might be sticking and causing a misfire. Any ideas?

05-07-2002, 16:53
An easy test would be to remove the box and see if the problem goes away. If so they have some issues to work on!

05-07-2002, 16:58
First I heard off, about the,or a, "BOX" causing a problem......Injector replacement, yes there has been a few.......LEAKER'S, so I believe. OH, WILLY where are you?......Perhaps the "BOX" had nothing to do with it.......Just a failure.? How many miles? Any white, black smoke? SES codes? Any other problems?
Take the you know what off, and any what you would call evidence to the contrary........Take it in for a miss, if still present........As for reinstalling the, well you know what after it's fixed, I would.......Then again I'm not, well ,NUTTIN'BUT'GMC..will fill in the blanks........... :D :D Good luck, you'll be fine.......

[ 05-07-2002: Message edited by: mackin ]</p>

05-07-2002, 17:08
Had 6 injectors replaced on my 2001. If mechanicwillie is out there he should be able to give you some tips. He diagnosed and replaced mine.

05-07-2002, 21:07
No codes, no smoke and it goes away when I take off the box. Had a BD box before this one and it did it too. They seem to think my truck might have bad injector and it is not very noticable until the box ask it to do more than factory specs. My service manager doesn't care if I have a box or not. Friday I am checking for any set codes , any updated software that is needed and he is going to put the Tech II on it and we are going to make it miss by turning the box on. Thought someone might have had this problem before. From what I hear nobody has had any problems with the Duramaximizer. If this doesn't work I guess I am stuck with just 300 HP.

05-07-2002, 21:47
I replaced an injector on my truck at around 37,000 km (20,000 miles) I was flying out to work one night - cruise set at 110 kph and it just went south on me all of a sudden - the SES light came on and it powered out real bad - it sounded like a Cummins for a while - knocking and cracking - had to have it towed back to town - tech said that when one injector goes it screws up the whole bank of injectors on that side of the motor - they robbed the parts off an 02 that was on the lot and I was back on my way in no time at all. Good luck with your truck!! smile.gif

05-07-2002, 21:47
i had a problem that showed up while running the vanaaken box wide open a while back. the truck would pull great up to about 2500rpm then 'hit the wall' and not rev past that point, either cut out or maintain the same revs.

it went away when i took off the box. obviously a box problem, right?

wrong. the box has been off for about a month and the same problem just showed up last week. not quite as noticeable, but then it wasn't getting asked to produce as much power or deliver as much fuel, either.

i am changing the fuel filter and then driving like a bat out of hell to see if the problem is gone before the box goes back on.

i believe it may be that the additonal demands place on the engine with a performance box may cause some previously unnoticed problems to become very apparent.


05-08-2002, 04:54
I changed the fuel filter too. Not fixed!!

05-08-2002, 07:18
hi guys
yes i have replaced many injectors for missing and rough running.if one goes it doesn,t mess up the whole bank the early o1 engines were bad.the part number for the injector has changed up three times.and the injectors can go in a split sec.
we have 4 trucks that are chipped.one cust does not use his anymore. :cool: :cool:

05-08-2002, 08:16
I also get the power drop once in a while when I'm running propane. I have no comuter manipulating, fuel modifying box so the added power or higher boost levels may be the culprit. This thing is programmed with a preset power formula that it expects to see. When we alter the power, the program still uses the old formula so some things may not be "adding up".

05-08-2002, 15:22

If you would , what is early 01 ? My build date was MAY 01........ The "JUICE " pulls real strong all the way to limiter..... Seen 30 #'s boost easy, when pushing it........... WELL ,WELL, WELL, .........
This thing is programmed with a preset power formula that it expects to see I think EDGE is a real good "HACKER " so to speak...........

05-08-2002, 17:35
I to have had 2 injectors go south on me. Started dumpin fuel into the crank. I am running BD"s box for now. Service rep said that GM might void my warranty. Not sure if the box is causing the failure. Think Ill run without it for a while. Anyone had similar problems with BD's box?

05-08-2002, 18:02
If it helps any, my 01 build date was Nov. 00

05-08-2002, 18:14

Thanks, that would classify as early in my book..Pre MILLENNIUM ......They probably updated once or twice by MAY 01.......Since I've had no problems. Knock on a tail pipe......
AH...... SALUTE ........

[ 05-08-2002: Message edited by: mackin ]</p>

05-08-2002, 20:38
Duramaximizer sent me a new control knob, because I had the wrong one and when I put it on, even with it off it started missing real bad. Then it set a SES and it would not go above 65. I didn't think I would make it home. Took the box off and I am back to normal and the light went out. they are sending me a new Duramaximizer over night so I can have it when I go to the dealer on Friday. They tell me this is the first they have heard of this happening.