View Full Version : Under Seat Storage Bin.....

Mike Colville
05-08-2002, 12:33
There is a post under accessories too...but act fast. (Gotta let the duramax peeps know too!)

800 bucks for these under seat bins for Ext cab trucks...dealers with them in stock are letting them go (some of them) for under a hundred...missprint in the system...email me a fax number for the list of dealers....

Check out maverick's pics at

www.picturetrail.com under 'maverick2' gallery

Mike Colville
05-08-2002, 13:02
48 bucks....Walker Oldsmobile in Alexandria, LA. They have 20 of them...19 now!

05-08-2002, 14:46
MIKE, what are you doing?? $100 for this storage bin?? They only cost $36 for an employee. $40-50 would be more than enough to pay for it!!!!!!! Need one for my crew cab, this one won't begin to work. Howard :D :D :D

05-08-2002, 14:49

Check thy email.


05-08-2002, 15:02
Thanks Russ & enjoy! :D :D :D

Greg Watkins
05-09-2002, 10:39

If you have info on an underseat storage box for a CC, I'd be interested also. (gwatkins@employees.org)


05-09-2002, 10:41
Sorry Greg....relates to something else. :(

Greg Watkins
05-09-2002, 12:22
No problem. Thanks for the response.

pontiac_m18, do you have more info about the underseat boxes? I have a friend who wants one and the dealers around here can't even find it using the GM part number provided. Any suggestions?



05-09-2002, 13:30
I need one of those for my crew cab!!! Any way to make it fit???

Tim B
05-09-2002, 21:55
Before you guys get too excited you might want to look at the thread going on the 'Accessories' forum about the underseat boxes. Looks like GM decided they were priced wrong. The new price is in the stratosphere so try to find one at a dealer for the old price - quick !

Tim B.

05-09-2002, 22:03
GREG WATKINS, I will make a call & see what happens tomorrow!! Howard :D :D :D

[ 05-09-2002: Message edited by: pontiac_m18 ]</p>

Greg Watkins
05-10-2002, 09:12
My friend called the dealer in LA that Mike mentioned. Box is now $500. WOW !!!!


05-10-2002, 09:46
GREG & ALL, just called GM PARTS DIVISION & part isn't available in Mi at all!! BUT COST NOW IS $575.57 + TAX!!!!!!!!! Some one in trouble for this one!!!! Howard :eek: :eek: :eek:

[ 05-10-2002: Message edited by: pontiac_m18 ]</p>

05-10-2002, 11:19
Something just doesn't seem "legal" about selling something for $35-$65 and then seeing the "demand" and then jacking the price up to $500-$600.

I would like to know what the deal is.

05-10-2002, 17:28
Could it simply be insufficent number of zero's? I.E $36 dealer, $58 Retail, would be $360 & $580 respectively. Works for me, thats my story & I'm sticking to it :rolleyes: ~ but IMO not worth the new/revised costs :( . ~ odoh

[ 05-10-2002: Message edited by: odoh ]</p>

05-10-2002, 17:30
Just talked to my dealer an he didn't even know what I was talking about. Gave him the part number and it wasn't in his computer. He called the GM parts service in the SKY, and when they checked the parts number they came back with a $700.00 price tag and said there were none to be had at the present time. Told him I wouldn't be ordering any when they did find them. What a bunch of crocks. :mad:

05-13-2002, 11:35
I took Mile Colville's advice and called the dealer he recommended and was able to get one this morning. The dealer wanted to know what the heck was going on with this item. They were getting call from all over the country. Anyway after I parted with $150 they only had one left. Pricy compared to the earlier sales, but cheap compared to $800.00

I'm going to have mine covered in matching vinyl to make it blend in a little more.

Thank you Mike for the help.