View Full Version : Another Cooling Topic

Frank Ohidy
07-09-2004, 18:50
For what it's worth, I've been trying to solve cooling problems while towing with my 6.5. I had the radiator rodded out a couple months ago on the advice of the local dealer. Total waste of money. Last week I ordered a fan clutch and 9 blade combo from John Kennedy. While installing it I decided to look behind the grill. What did I find??? The AC coil was completely blocked by dirt,leaves,and bugs behind the oil coolers. I was not too surprised as I had read about this here a week or two ago. To make a long story short, I ran the truck today and temps are down from 215-220 to more like 195-205. There must have been a 25-30% reduction of air flow. Now I have to wonder if I really needed the clutch and fan. I may swap them back again just to see, but for now I think the clutch is doing as promised. Thanks John.

07-10-2004, 05:38
Your supprise about the ac condenssor being pluged tells me you had the radiator shop do the work. Now why didn't they clean out the ac condensor? That is why I like doing my own work. Mechanics are supposed to fix ONLY what is specified. Something about liability, and making more money when it comes back agian, and again...

Now for the fan and clutch, I would leave it in. If nothing else it is peace of mind and GOOD insurance against heating probems later.

My $0.02

07-10-2004, 10:04
By all means, LEAVE the fan and clutch in. They are proven by many people here.

The reason your radiator repair didn't net you anything is that is NOT the weak link.

If you are running a stock GM thermostat, try switching to the high flow versions that JK sells.

A quick test to verify that the thermostat is now your final flow reducer is to remove it and run without it. No harm done in warm weather. Watch what happens to your temps!!! I'll bet you a beer that you'll see 170-180 loaded.

07-10-2004, 10:35
For those of you that may question what Frank found behind his oil coolers take a look http://mysite.verizon.net/vze54tx9/
Make sure your truck is clean before attempting any other changes.