View Full Version : A Guy With A Bad D-Max

05-18-2002, 19:42
A guy on the machinery talk section of www.agriculture.com has had D-Max with many problems. You don't want to call people liers but this story sounds a little far feched. We all want to think our stuff is the best but if this guys troubles are true I would like to know why this happened to him.

Blown head gasket
Cracked head
Broken crank
Cracked block

05-18-2002, 19:51

I tried .. Couldn't find it .. Don't care ........ It'll be BS anyway ...... Explain better how to get to the link....... That html gets you to the front page which is always updating ....... :confused:
Never mind ===>http://talk.agriculture.com/default.sph/agTopTalk.
class?FNC=getReplies__AgroupMain_html___1___151854 2___12___1

It's BS they cannot even SPELL .......Durimax Diesel trouble,
I purchased a 2002 Chevey 3500 extended cab flat bed truck for use with my trucking buisness. I use the truck to haul a 28,000 lb trailer. I put 5,200 miles on the truck before hooking it to the trailer, after only 2,300 miles hooked to the trailer it blew a head gasket. The local dealer warrentyed the gasket but only 5,000 miles later it cracked a cylinder head. The truck did not overheat at any time. At 25,000 miles the crankshaft broke. The dealer warrentyed the engine. With 5,000 miles on the new engine the block cracked. I am very concerned, I use this truck for buisness, I traded a 2000 Dodge 3500 with the High output Cummins for this truck. The Dodge had 153,000 miles on it and had never given me a minute of trouble.
Has any one elese expirenced this or herd of trouble with these engines? Am I doing any thing wrong?



[ 05-18-2002: Message edited by: mackin ]</p>

05-18-2002, 20:00
Mods, please close this thread. No offense to the originator, but it's the S.O.S..... TIA

05-18-2002, 20:01
First off I must have hit the back button or something to have posted it twice for this I am sorry.

Go to www.agriculture.com then look for interact then go to talk then machinery talk. I hope this will get you there.

05-19-2002, 05:41
I'm kinda swaying towards the story being BS. Just another putz looking for attention. But I'll give the benefit of doubt - Head gasket failure - possible, nothing is perfect. Cracked head - installation error during head gasket r&r. Broken crank - when above problems occurred, engine hydrolocked, twisted the crank which led to future failure. Cracked block - with all the above problems, its should be expected.
I still think its BS. :rolleyes:

05-19-2002, 12:50
As I understood it, the replacement engine cracked the block. Stu

05-19-2002, 21:51
Sounds like BS to me. 153,000 mi on a Dodge without a minutes trouble ? Some people--- :D

05-20-2002, 03:58
I hope this story is true! For a change, someone else got my luck.

D-max Man
05-20-2002, 07:03
I will call him on this one!

I generally don't call anyone out as a liar because any one of these things are possible with any engine built but there is no way that one truck had all of these problems without me hearing about it.

I still haven't seen or heard anything about any cracked heads, blown head gasket, or cracked block. The only broken cranks I know about were a result of side-loading the crank with a belt driven PTO that had a higher HP rating than is recommended for the D-Max engine.

[ 05-20-2002: Message edited by: D-max Man ]</p>

05-20-2002, 07:57
It looks like you are going to have to post that information over there and tell him to get back in his Dodge and go away. We all know he doesn't even own a Duramax.

I was going to call him a liar over there (and use those words), but That would only be my opinion. If someone who has the facts and figures to back him up were to post the truth over there, we could expose the lie for what it is.

Turbo Al
05-20-2002, 11:13
Only a 28,000 lb trailer shame shame.

05-20-2002, 16:03
I think he is telling the Truth, Why would he lie. I know that some people can break a Anvil with a rubber hammer. You also have to understand that the Cummins is a Heavier Duty Motor, but there is no way that the Dodge transmission could hold up to that much stress. Maybe, the Cummins went to 153,000, but he went through several driveline parts.

05-20-2002, 16:12
If D-Max Man says he ain't seen it. I believe him.

Nuff said


05-20-2002, 17:43
There too many flaws in this guys story for it to be true. I read Machinery Talk often and they have been similar Duramax bashes before. He can't spell Duramax, and then through his story he is really bragging on his Dodge. A 3 year old could profile this guy as bogus.

05-20-2002, 17:51
^..How dead is this horse???

05-20-2002, 18:24
Obviously not dead enough (nerves still twitching)

05-21-2002, 09:05
The problem is, if we don't answer to the false rumors, they become accepted as fact (albiet incorrectly). I found this on a non-automotive related list this morning:


Scan down a ways to a post by D. Thomas, who talks of reasearching 1 ton pickups. He makes a statement to the effect of "GM has the best transmission, but the worst engine." I posted a reply with my own results, but the false rumors are having their desired effect. It's a dead horse among us on this forum, but in other places on the 'net the horse is running like wildfire.

05-22-2002, 18:10
garbage engines - HA !! I've got two GMC s with 6.2 - both high mileage - 250,000 on one , 500,000 on the other. Another local DP member has a 6.2 with 275,000.

Trying to talk up diesel page often with gm diesel owners I run across. Talked with one at Home Depot the other day. He was driving crew cab dually with 6.5 , said it had 85,000 -but he had two other company trucks that had been thru a total of four engines and many injection pumps.
When I told hime of the mileage on my rusty , beat up 88 ext cab sitting next to him he didn't believe me. He did say they were awaiting a new dmax 3500. So hopefully a new member , and hopefully he was exagerating his 6.5 woes.

D-max Man
05-28-2002, 14:13
It has been over a week sense I posted over there to try and get more info from this guy but he hasn't responded. I have also attempted to email him about his problems but the email he has posted on that site is invalad.

05-28-2002, 14:54
D-max Man,

Great effort ... but, I'm sure you knew it was a diaper full to begin with .......... We drive the finest machine (truck) in the business, right now . Jealousy is hard to control ,apparently .........


[ 05-28-2002: Message edited by: mackin ]</p>

05-29-2002, 02:35
Although I don't buy into the "my truck's better than yours" gag, it is important to make sure (as reasonably possible) that correct info is portrayed about our trucks. Though most of us won't make a penny on the sale of any new truck, we will someday be selling the ones we have. If the trucks [powertrain] get a reputation as being junk (sound familiar?), resale value will hit us in the shorts. I know the quality of GM diesels is not nearly as bad as the general public perceives it, but the person likely to buy my truck won't be so informed. I don't mind paying a little more for a new truck, if I know I'll get it back at resale.

I say keep up the counter-attack strategy. I do in every instance I can. These trucks are in demand. Let's keep it that way. It is important to be tactful, though. The more you yell, the less they listen. We've waited long enough for this, let's not blow it.