View Full Version : Slow start with Hot Juice

TN farmer
11-24-2002, 17:26
I just got the hot juice on my truck last week and I love it, but I have one question. I have noticed that I have to hold the key a little longer than I did in the past to start my truck. I first thought that it was due to the change in temperature but even after I have warmed the truck up it sometimes seems worse. Has anyone else noticed a delay or is this a characteristic of the juice?

11-24-2002, 18:26
I have the regular juice and noticed the same thing especialy when the engine is hot and the juice is active.

11-24-2002, 22:14
My 4.30 HOT was the same way. I was hoping that the new 4.61 would fix that. I should have it back in a few days. I'll let you know.

11-25-2002, 00:40
4.61 does it too. I think it's because of the timing change. I noticed that it seems to be getting better though.

11-25-2002, 04:15

I have Hot v4.61 and have not noticed this at all. I run level 2 reg and 4 T/H all the time, T/H being my favorite...teehee...I have noticed that the new version seems much more "willing" to change levels the first time I program it (something v3.5 just wouldn't do), which I really do appreciate...

Maybe this is just another example of one of those strange little idiosyncrasies between trucks... :confused:

11-25-2002, 09:05
I can't remember who told me about this. Old age I guess.

It has to do with the additional time it takes for the Juice's electronics to communicate.

As a test, turn the ignition switch to the "ON" position, wait a few seconds. Then start the engine. If yours is like mine, it actually starts just as quickly as without the Juice.

Perhaps the Juice is doing a boot test or something before it allows the engine to start...I don't know.

11-25-2002, 09:22

I haven't noticed this phenomena. Since new, my Dmax has always taken 4 or 5 revs to start, as opposed to my Toyota diesel which starts within a rev or 2. The Toyota has mechanical injection, and I just figured the Dmax had a "gotta build up some pressure" or just the nature of the beast thing. I will say, I've seen a lot of PSDs that took a lot of revs to start, some even took a number of tries to start. Almost made me wonder if it was gona start at all, but I'm not sure this is normal for a PSD.

Regards, Steve

TN farmer
11-25-2002, 14:42
Thanks for the help. The change in timming makes sence for the slow start. I have been used to the cummins which will start before you can blink an eye, but that is the only thing I miss.

11-25-2002, 19:26
I am obviously behind the times but what are all these different juice configurations? If I was to buy one of these today would I get the newest most powerful version or is this something that needs to be altered afterwards? Also where is the best place to get one of these creatures.