View Full Version : First problem with truck.

08-18-2002, 13:42
Twice in the last week my truck has died taking off from a stop light. The weather here has been hot 103-106, A/C going full tilt, engine temp approx. 195-200, Trans temp 180-190. It did it on wednesday pulling out from a stop, I gave it a little throttle and it just died, I put it in nuetral and it started right up and never hiccupped again until Saturday afternoon.

I have 19000 miles on the truck and this is my first problem. I changed the fuel filter at 11,000
and I am getting ready to go to Idaho in a couple of weeks and was going to have them change it when they do the oil in a week or so. I don't want to get stuck on this trip. Has anyone had this problem (very intermittent). Should I call the dealer?

Any Idea's


08-18-2002, 13:49
Pull the Juice off the truck and try it for a while. Several have reported this problem with the Juice.

I think Edge is about to introduce a new version and you may want to consider sending it in for reprogram after they release the new version.

I'm not saying that your problem is 100% due to the Juice, but that is a possibliity that you can eliminate for testing purposes.

08-18-2002, 15:51
To echo csimo, try it without the Juice. Mine stalls repeatedly at slight throttle input, but runs like a scalded dog at full song. Unplug the juice and it's fine, just a little slow.
I replaced the fuel filter with no effect.
Sent the Juice in for update from 3.5 to 3.6, still the same.

Happened to mention it to a dealer while in for oil change Saturday, he checked for stored codes but found none. Then he checked the GM computer and found where they are aware of stalling problems with the Dmax and are working on a solution, his guess was that it would be a mechanical fix rather than a coomputer update.

Let us know if it works better on the wagon...

08-19-2002, 15:04
TO MUCH JUICE, I have noticed that most of the people running some kind of jice or propane system seem to be having problems. I was curious if gm's warranty is covering any of this...

08-19-2002, 18:12

GM isn't going to warranty any aftermarket device installed at time of service causing a minor glitch.....If the aftermarket device is causing a problem (you'll know if you remove it and the problem goes away) a good aftermarket manufacturer will warranty their own product ......Common sense says not to bring a Finger pointing device into the dealerships service department.....


08-19-2002, 20:17
I'm still waiting for somebody to remember to use OnStar to find out if they can really run a diagnostic check by satalite and tell you what is wrong right then. I guess it's hard for people to remember to do since problems seem to be so few and far between. I'd try that next time just to see if they are capable of doing what they claim. It's free, you may as well....

08-20-2002, 15:55

The Onstar works as advertised. Each time I had the SES light, I checked it with Onstar. They told me exactly what the Tech II read at the dealer. The onboard diagnostics feature was used while I was driving down the road. Pretty cool.

I would suggest to anyone that has Onstar to use it with any little glitch that arises. Use it once or a hundred times, costs the same.

08-20-2002, 16:22
Don't call OnStar for diagnostic information if you have the Juice installed.

My nephew is a service writer at a large dealership and he said the GM service rep. told him that newer versions of the ECM can detect the Juice and other boxes.

I have no idea if that is true, but it would be safe to remove the Juice before calling OnStar.

08-20-2002, 16:54
Thank's everyone for your input. I have been running Juice ver. 3.61 for over a month and a half and it had seemed to address my problem with the level changes. I never have experienced the fishbite. In reading some of your posts I see that the intermittent stalling problem was one that I had not experienced until last week.

I spoke to Aaron at Edge today and version 4.0 is on it's way and is supposed to solve this problem.

I would like to say that it is a pleasure dealing with the folks at Edge. Aaron has always taken my calls or called back in a very prompt manner. I agonized over which box to buy for several months and finally decided on the Juice and I am glad I did. I strongly recomend Edge and their products and their people. There is no better form of advertizing than good customer support/service.


08-23-2002, 15:50
Mackin, I have plenty of common sense but anyway, I was wondering if the people that are macking these after market devices for the pick-ups are going to pay for engine or tranny damages when the dealers say they won't. I am sure that if they wanted to they could tell if there has been mods done and then removed before bringing to the dealership for repair.

08-23-2002, 16:15

anyone know what is different with 4.0 vs. 3.61?? I am very happy with my version and I have ZERO PROBLEMS with this version.

They will have to make some serious changes to get me to update. Like maybe top speed limiter removal and tire recalibration. How about a few more HP, ya gotta know it's there waiting to be tapped.

GMC ;)

08-23-2002, 19:05

I understand your concerns as far as the dealer "seeing" that would depend on what mod you are running......Once you alter the vehicle in this way if certain things went wrong and it was the result of abuse on your part due to the mod one must take responsibility......I for one am not gonna day after day punch the throttle off of every stop light and expect it to hold together with out failure......Stock or moded.....I feel comfortable that i will not take my truck beyond it's limits without assuming the inherited risk of becoming my own warranty station, yet.....


This version mostly dealt with FISHBITE in the 6 speed manual and to address the 03 model pin differences.....

