View Full Version : Unsolicited Spam

More Power
06-03-2002, 10:39
Bulletin board forums present an opportunity for the spammers and scammers out there to lurk in forums and collect email addresses, phone numbers and other personal information. Posting your personal contact information in a bb forum exposes you to unwanted spam and possibly worse.

It has come to our attention that individuals have been spamming DP board participants.

Protect yourself. Don't post personal contact information.


[ 06-03-2002: Message edited by: More Power ]</p>

06-03-2002, 12:07
are you kidding i love spam :rolleyes:

but it is funny to read. :D

More Power
06-03-2002, 12:43
Your registered email address is not viewable by anyone participating in this bulletin board unless you add it to a posted message or include it in your signature. So, whether you want your personal contact information available to the world-wide-web is up to each of you.

As a matter of policy, The Diesel Page does not sell or otherwise distribute any of your personal contact information without permission. You can read our "Privacy Statement" to learn more. See link at the bottom of this page.


[ 06-03-2002: Message edited by: More Power ]</p>

06-03-2002, 14:52

Thanks for the heads up and the protection.


06-03-2002, 15:40
Hey quit spamming me you spammers ........

Point well taken but.......... Every once in a while something needs to be said or addressed of center stage is there any other way for that to be addressed ?? Well, Since you brought it up .......

I'll give you an example .... On the dually conversion thread, I found a rear bed for the guy if he wants it, or anyone else . If he did, I would not post the guy who is selling it, his name and address, phone number here ..... There has also been some personal socializing, all good enjoyment ...... Just wondering if PM will ever come back .....? That would be a clean exchange of personal memos .......


[ 06-03-2002: Message edited by: mackin ]</p>

06-03-2002, 16:29
More Power, funny you should metion spam. Try 194 unsolicited e-mails in two days and you will understand why I'm going to change my e-mail address. I have a spam filter on my service, so I don't have to deal with it every day, but it really clogs up the system anyway. I was going to write in and tell you about my e-mail problem, but in my heart I didn't think it was you. Glad to hear your position restated on this evergrowing problem.

MAXed Out
06-03-2002, 16:41

Ditto the thanks for the heads up! I hate spam! Brown eggs & spam, but not green eggs and ham. ;)

06-03-2002, 17:34

06-03-2002, 17:38
... i'm lucky if i get 2 email messages a week that are of any use. i usually get a spam 2-3 times a week. the last set of spam messages were from some septictank.com or something like that. i added them to my block list..

06-03-2002, 17:52
What happened to Tader Jack's post? was it warranted/unwarranted? I haven't been here too long so excuse me if I’m going somewhere i shouldn't. I'm only here to learn & share (learn more than share at this point) info freely with other enthusiasts. do we need to watch our posts for political correctness? FWIW i think this board is a great place for us to come together. i suppose i expected response from the mods. I apologize if i have offended anyone. I'm just trying to get a clear picture.

06-03-2002, 17:55
I'd like to know as well....

"Where the post!"


06-03-2002, 18:06
well, it looks like he has offended the GODs. I can only imagine the the fiery he!! that he has most likely been banished to. ;)

06-03-2002, 18:29
ndamico, Mic, and others,

I deleted the post in question. In my judgment, the post violated TDP registration agreement.

When I agreed to take on the responsibilities of forum moderator, I agreed to enforce this registration agreement. I don't like doing this, but enforcing policy is not always easy or popular...

Here is the link to TDP Registration agreement:


I believe this portion is relevant to this thread:

================================================== ===================

"...You agree, through your use of this service, that you will not use this BB to post any material which is knowingly false and/or defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, threatening, invasive of a person's privacy, or violates any other law..."

================================================== ====================

Every forum member agreed to these terms as a condition of forum participation. If you read further, forum post removal/deletion is clearly mentioned if these terms aren't followed.

I suggest the involved parties take this matter up privately and attempt to resolve their differences.

BTW, I was not 'instructed' to delete the message in question, nor am I obligated to explain my reasons for doing so. Since I will be accused of 'censorship', I wanted you to see the difficult position I was placed in, and the reasoning behind my decision to take action.


06-03-2002, 18:40

I'm hoping that only his post was removed. Not him ........ We all have the right to our opinion..... The mess somehow began with the parties here ... So it should be ended here .... If it is resolved privately fine, but someone of TRADER JACKS honesty and INTEGRITY would NOT COME HERE STATING THOSE FACTS AS LIES, HE CLEARLY WAS UPSET ABOUT SOME UNDER LYING MIS DOINGS......... SO I hope to see his return regardless if I find out the out come ..........
Lets be FAIR,,HONEST ...........

06-03-2002, 18:51

I appreciate the position you are in. It is not always easy to have to make the calls. This is not a perfect world, nor do I expect it to be. There has do be a dividing line between a flame war in every post and "Wellville", where nothing bad ever happens. Perhaps there is no correct answer, other than accept the rules or go elsewhere. My main concern in making my post was the potential filtering of information that may affect our position as consumers. I like to know all about a product/company/individual - the good, the bad, and the ugly. It is the nature of business that everyone ****** someone off at some time. This is not necessarily their fault, as some people are impossible to please. That’s life, and I think a good reputation will stand out above all.

I have had nothing but excellent dealings with vendors I’ve met through here. Someone once told me there were some things that they'd rather not know. I guess I just disagree.

Thank you for taking the time to reply to my initial post.

06-03-2002, 18:58
All of the info. that is exposed here, and I mean ALL, is fake or dead addys. Good luck spammers...

Macin, did you install a septic tank in the bed of your truck?

[ 06-03-2002: Message edited by: NutNbutGMC ]</p>

06-03-2002, 19:02
i also hope to see his return. there is nothing wrong with speaking the truth. what happened to him was wrong and i think we all should be aware of it so we can be on your look out. we should be allowed to know who we can trust and who we can not. it is sad politics has to get involved.

06-03-2002, 19:10
Sigh!, I do get a ton of spam. The filters are clogging and the spammers are having puppies faster than I delete them. I've established phantom email accounts, auto forwarding, disposable accounts also. Still it goes unabated as long as someone is paying a few cents for each address thats harrassed.

I don't think they came from here tho. On the contrary, made a few lasting friends ~ which is a plus as we all have something to gain/offer. Also on the upside, postal box sees less junk mail now ;) ~ odoh

06-03-2002, 20:30

Looks like it's going to be my next mod . THO ..... Hell, with the current events here lately looks like a BIG"OLE "stinky"flush is comming ..... Somebody got to catch it and haul it away ... I'll be the "HONEY POT" any other takers .....? We all now I can shovel it .....

MAC tongue.gif tongue.gif

06-03-2002, 20:48
Green eggs and spam.

06-03-2002, 20:50
I recieved a spam from one of the advertizers wanting me to buy some fan clutch for the 6.5. Why???

06-03-2002, 20:51
Can't we all just get along (said the criminal) :rolleyes:

Not everyone is going to be perfectly happy with every busineses dealing or practices. But it would be nice to know if someone is ever dis-satisfied with anyones services or products(period).

Here's an Idea...
The only way to (maybe) not get the mod's involved in any action or leave the "page" out of legal messes is posting a disclaimer at the bottom of the post you are making ( kind of like the info-mercials )

This Post is purely the opinion of the _______ (place username here), it in no way reflects the views of "The Diesel Page" or it's moderators and advertisers (Blah Blah Blah). That should do it!!!

Then maybe everyone can decide for themselves.

I just hope we have not push away (or booted) an excellent contributor like Tader Jack

MY .02

06-04-2002, 05:13
Well I got spammed with a copy of Trader Jacks post. :eek:

After reading, I believe Trader Jack should NOT be banned!
He told his side of the story and that was it. I did not feel he violated board rules. (slander and the like)
I like to hear the REAL truth about a company before I purchase. The GOOD the BAD and the UGLY! ;)
Dang if it ain't my hard earned money going out the door faster than it comes in.

I support/welcome Trader Jack's return!! :D

06-04-2002, 05:29
A word of advice to the admin and all moderators...

Out of common courtesy, explain any action taken at the time it is taken. If you move something, tell us. If you delete something, tell us.

I know I've seen some notification but not as much as we should.

It's silly for everyone to be asking "where did that post go?" whether it was moved, deleted, or edited.

Thanks and keep up the good work.

BTW: I have been a member for a couple of years now and have often posted my e-mail address. I also have my address available on a few other forums. I do get some spam which I simply delete. I do have antivirus software.

But I can say I have never, and I mean never recieved any spam (except from aaaholeone) that is truck related or could be traced to a DP vendor or TDP. I actually wouldn't mind an email once in a while from companies wishing to introduce new products or discounts on existing ones related to our trucks.

Bottom line though is TDP is responsible for itself. I am responsible for myself. If I want my email listed, that's my perogative. Contrary to popular belief, most of us can handle our situation here on our end without a "batten down the hatch" mentality.

Thanks again for the advice as there are some that have opposing views.

[ 06-04-2002: Message edited by: hoot ]</p>

06-04-2002, 07:59
I must agree with Hoot, even if I don't own a D-Max. I've been a member of the DP, the forum, and the previous e-mail forums including the current Topica one for over 3 years now and have yet to receive a Spam email from anyone in the Automotive or Trucking Industry, or connected to the Diesel Page or it's forums, except for one very questionable Southern California wannabe truck parts supplier and unless they are still getting in with false ID"s and fake names then I think that problem has been corrected by the ownership and moderators of the DP.
As said, we're all big boys and adults, so we should be able to act the act and walk the walk.

Thanks to JB and all the moderators for an "Excellent Job, well done"!!

More Power
06-04-2002, 08:07
Jack was notified via email within minutes of the administrative action. I asked for his phone number, and I called him later in the evening when he responded.

Jack's participation here in this bb forum is entirely up to him. His participation depends on whether he agrees to follow the forum registration agreement just like everyone else is required to do - no more - no less.

Hoot - If you read my posts above, I mention that posting your personal information in a message is up to you (each individual). Personal information is not automatically available. A lot of people don't know that. In fact most new people think that everything is available to the www.

Not posting personal information makes it impossible for a spammer to contact you using information found here.

End note: Many times since we've had a forum, someone will post something inappropriate, then defend it as being the "truth". The "truth" in one man's eyes does not make it a true statement. I could post a lot about a lot of people that I believe is the "truth", in my opinion, but you sure as hell wouldn't want me to say it in a public forum (nor would it be appropriate). Some things are better left unsaid, or kept private. And, some things are no one else's business.


06-04-2002, 08:13
"...Some things are better left unsaid, or kept private. And, some things are no one else's business...."

A point very well said and very well taken, hopefully by all.

Now go to work JB..... :D

06-04-2002, 08:20
You know, I just hate when I miss something.....
I go away for a couple of days and then come back only to find people talking about something that got erased... :D

OH Geeeez....

On a lighter note, I finally figured out how to go over 97 MPH...Add a Huge load of rock in the bed of the truck, get going downhill in 5th gear as fast as you can, do not touch the brakes or coast(the grade breaking will come on)...It can be done... :D ...
However one thing to consider, please make sure you have a long run out at the bottom....you will need it. I have fabricated a bracket on my receiver to mount my parachute off the race car...it worked excellent although the guy behind me got a little close and the pilot chute landed on his hood :eek:

Carry On......

06-04-2002, 16:39
One MAN'S junk is another MAN'S treasure ....So they say .......

I treasure the TRUTH .......... I'll make the determination if it's JUNK ......... On my own ....... It is easy enough to figure it out .....

For some reason I feel, that the shades were pulled down .........Party over .......I just cannot understand why he would say what he did if it were false ..... Where is the motive? What would be the gain?

It will be unfortunately it Trader Jack doesn't come back .....But he would be welcome in my BOOK ....... He is an excellant CONTRIBUTOR .........


[ 06-04-2002: Message edited by: mackin ]</p>

06-04-2002, 18:46
Bring Jack Back!

Bring Jack Back!

Bring Jack Back!

Chime in if you want.

06-04-2002, 20:38
I don't know if he's able to post or not but Jack, whatever it was, forget it.

I went through something similar. It ain't worth losing the interaction with this crazy crew.

06-04-2002, 20:41
How about enabling the "send a private message" feature in UBB and then maybe people wouldn't have to post their email address. It would be the end of "message for xxxx" topics with 'email me @ xxx@xxx.com" messages also.

Just an idea....


06-04-2002, 21:10
For really good SPAM go to www.spamtown.com
Austin, Minnesota (the home of real spam). Lots of recipies to take care of all the excess spam you'all are get'n!
I know the above posts are dead serious, but got't have some fun! :D :D