View Full Version : Worry warts !

03-15-2003, 10:17
Can someone tell me what micron size beer is filtered down to ? I'm a little more worried about liver failure than injector failure ! Although if I had an injector failure this would most likely ruin any possibility of ever getting married ! Hey, is anyone running a bypass liver ? Installation pics would be great ! :D

03-15-2003, 10:37
AAAHHH My morning chuckle, are you trying to imply that some of us take better care of our trucks then ourselves!! :eek: You're absulutely correct! (as I reach for another danish and my 5th cup of coffee) ;)

03-15-2003, 11:22
Toddster is not kidding. I went to the bar with him last week and my liver still hurts. But seriously, I'm just gonna run my fuel through the cab ventilation filter before it hits the fuel filter. That oughta clean it up. ;)

[ 03-15-2003: Message edited by: GMCTRUCK ]</p>

03-15-2003, 13:47
Or maybe someone with a "well conditioned liver" (like maybe Toddster's), will figure out a way to use it on his fuel.........of course the new debate would be "doing away with diesel aftertaste", or maybe "cetane vs. proof", or even "guessing where the fuel originated from by its smell", how about "effects of diesel on the prostate", maybe even "look ma, a flamethrower"

03-15-2003, 19:45
My Battalion may be deploying so we went out the other day and got polluted. When I woke up the next morning my liver was laying next to me

03-15-2003, 22:10
an ORYX!?!?!?!?!?! :eek:
That is one mean ass antelope.... i hope everyone is ok!!!!!

Texas Bulldog
03-15-2003, 22:38
Good luck and God Bless Tsimpler, hope your back home soon
Texas Bulldog

03-16-2003, 09:15
Toddster mi amigo-

Me thinks you are one of us afraidy cats! In the closet. :D

03-17-2003, 07:31
Well.... That Oryx did not go quietly into that good night. Had to donate 4 180gn 30-06's to his vitals before I could kill'em. But I knocked him down every time. Hope to do better on the next one.

I'll also let ya know how the Buffalo hunt goes this month.


03-17-2003, 09:49
TSimpler, What kinda Buffalo are you going for?

03-17-2003, 15:14
Tasty, Tender, Hairy and the yummier the better

Up in Northern New Mexico

Good ol' American Buffalo


[ 03-17-2003: Message edited by: TSimpler ]</p>

03-18-2003, 08:40
TSimpler, good luck. I got mine last Dec in Montana. One 7mm through the vitals is all it took. Had steak on Sunday and stir fry last night with the leftovers. :D :D

03-18-2003, 19:11
:D I am going to try to get close enough to use my Super Blackhawk .44 mag If not I have my Grandpaws old 30-06 pump Gamemaster. It worked good on the Oryx should be more than enough for a Buffalo
