View Full Version : Interesting MPG Analysis

07-07-2003, 12:34
I was looking at my fuel mileage trend and noticed the MPG and MPH seemed to track. I did a scatter plot and got a 79% correlation between the two, which is very solid considering the number of variables. Temperature, fuel source, with or without extra filter, etc. were all ignored. It basically says to stay at 20 MPG, I need to do 60-65 MPH for the tank. That only happens on trips and I still average just under 25 lifetime with 26K miles.

07-07-2003, 13:24
Can you post a link to the scatter chart? Sounds interesting. Did I read your post right? Something about you average just under 25 (MPG?) with 26k miles on the truck. Thats pretty good mileage...

07-07-2003, 13:32
I wish I was getting 25 MPG, no I average 25 MPH. My average MPG is around 16 lifetime. My best is 23 and worst is a little under 13 for all non towing. I will see if I can post the plot tonight.

07-07-2003, 13:39
At 65 MPH, my tach is indicating 1800 or so rpms which is at the peak torq for the DMAX and should be where the engine is most efficent.

07-07-2003, 17:54
Here is the graph (http://home.comcast.net/~chuntag95/Truck_Info/MPH_vs_MPG_1.jpg) Hope it shows up okay.

[ 07-07-2003, 06:30 PM: Message edited by: chuntag95 ]